Member(s): William Herschel
Account of some observations tending to investigate the construction of the heavens : by William Herschel, Esq. F.R.S. : read at the Royal Society, June 17, 1784.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: printed by J. Nichols, [1784]
Subjects: Astronomy -- Early works to 1800.
Member(s): William Herschel
Account of the changes that have happened, during the last twenty-five years, in the relative situation of double stars : and an investigation of the cause to which they are owing.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-row, St. James's, 1803.
Subjects: Double stars -- Observations.
Member(s): William Herschel
Account of the discovery of a sixth and seventh satellite of the planet Saturn; with remarks on the construction of its ring, its atmosphere, its rotation on an axis, and its spheroidical figure: by William Herschel, LL.D. F. R. S. : Read at the Royal Society, November 12, 1789.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: [London: s.n.], 1790.
Subjects: Saturn (Planet) -- Satellites -- Early works to 1800.
Member(s): William Herschel
An account of the discovery of two satellites revolving round the Georgian planet. By William Herschel, LL.D. F.R.S. : Read at the Royal Society, Feb. 15, 1787.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: printed by J. Nichols, [1787]
Subjects: Uranus (Planet) -- Satellites. | Uranus (Planet) -- Observations.
Member(s): William Herschel
An account of three volcanos in the moon : by William Herschel, L.L.D.F.R.S : communicated by Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. P.R.S. : Read at the Royal Society, April 26, 1787.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: [London: s.n.], 1787.
Subjects: Lunar volcanoes -- Early works to 1800.
Member(s): William Herschel
Additional observations, tending to investigate the symptoms of the variable emission of the light and heat of the sun; with trials to set aside darkening glasses, by transmitting the solar rays through liquids : and a few remarks, to remove objections that might be made against some of the arguments contained in the former paper.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-row, St. James's, 1801.
Member(s): William Herschel
Astronomical observations and experiments tending to investigate the local arrangement of the celestial bodies in space, and to determine the extent and condition of the Milky way.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: Printed by William Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-row, St. James's, 1817.
Member(s): William Herschel
Astronomical observations and experiments, selected for the purpose of ascertaining the relative distances of clusters of stars, and of investigating how far the power of our telescopes may be expected to reach into space, when directed to ambiguous celestial objects.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: Printed by William Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-row, St. James's, 1818.
Subjects: Astronomy -- Observations. | Stars -- Observations.
Member(s): William Herschel
Astronomie, mise à la portée de tout le monde.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author) | Cournot, Antoine-Augustin, 1801-1877 (Author)
Publication: [s.l.: s.n.], 1835.
Member(s): William Herschel
Catalogue of a second thousand of new nebulae and clusters of stars; with a few introductory remarks on the construction of the heavens.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: [London: s.n.], 1789.
Subjects: Stars -- Clusters -- Catalogs. | Nebulae -- Catalogs.
Member(s): William Herschel
Catalogue of double stars : by William Herschel, Esq. F. R. S. : read at the Royal Society, December 9, 1784.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: printed by J. Nichols, [1785]
Subjects: Double stars -- Catalogs -- Early works to 1800.
Member(s): William Herschel
Catalogue of five hundred new nebulae, nebulous stars, planetary nebulae, and clusters of stars; with remarks on the construction of the heavens.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-row, St. James's, 1802.
Member(s): William Herschel
Catalogue of one thousand new nebulæ and clusters of stars: by William Herschel, LL.D. F.R.S. : Read at the Royal Society, April 27, 1786.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: printed by J. Nichols, [1786]
Subjects: Nebulae -- Catalogs. | Stars -- Clusters -- Catalogs.
Holding Note: APS holds one copy which was presented by Benjamin Franklin and author.
View Holding
Member(s): William Herschel
Catalogue of stars : taken from Mr. Flamsteed's observations contained in the second volume of the Historia coelestis, and not inserted in the British catalogue.
Creator(s): Flamsteed, John, 1646-1719 (Author) | Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author) | Herschel, Caroline Lucretia, 1750-1848 (Author)
Publication: London: Distributed by P. Elmsly, printer to to the Royal Society, 1798.
Subjects: Stars -- Catalogs.
Member(s): William Herschel
Concerto spirituale, a sacred performance, from the works of Greg. Allegri, Prenestinus, Aurisichio, Pergolesi, Marcello, Handel, Graun, and Ricciotti : collected by Mr. Herschel, and to be performed under his direction, at the Octogon Chapel, in Bath, May 13, 1772.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Compiler)
Publication: Bath: printed by W. Gye, [1772]
Member(s): William Herschel
Continuation of an Account of the changes that have happened in the relative situation of double stars.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-row, St. James's, 1804.
Subjects: Double stars -- Observations.
Member(s): William Herschel
Continuation of experiments for investigating the cause of coloured concentric rings, and other appearances of a similar nature.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-row, St. James's, 1809.
Subjects: Optics -- Experiments. | Refraction. | Light -- Experiments.
Member(s): William Herschel
Des Herrn Dr. Herschels Untersuchungen über die Natur der Sonnenstrahlen 1.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author) | Harding, Carl Ludwig (Editor)
Publication: Celle: Schulze, 1801.
Member(s): William Herschel
Description of a forty-feet reflecting telescope : by William Herschel, LL.D. F.R.S.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: [London:], [1795]
Subjects: Reflecting telescopes.
Editions: 1x 1795 (London), 1x 1799 (Leipzig)
Editions Note: Two editions: one in 1795 (London) and one in 1799 (Leipzig).
Member(s): William Herschel
The Economy of the Eyes : precepts for the improvement and preservation of the sight : plain rules which will enable all to judge exactly when, and what spectacles are best calculated for their eyes : ... and an account of the Pancratic Magnifier, etc. : Part II. of Telescopes : being ... the result of thirty years' experiments with fifty-one Telescopes. ... To which are added, an abstract of the practical parts of Sir W. Herschel's writings on Telescopes and double stars, etc : some observations thereon, etc.
Creator(s): Kitchiner, William (Author) | Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London:, 1824.
Member(s): William Herschel
Experiments for ascertaining how far telescopes will enable us to determine very small angles, and to distinguish the real from the spurious diameters of celestial and terrestrial objects : with an application of the result of these experiments to a series of observations on the nature and magnitude of Mr. Harding's lately discovered star.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-row, St. James's, 1805.
Member(s): William Herschel
Experiments for investigating the cause of the coloured concentric rings, (discovered by Sir Isaac Newton) between two object-glasses laid upon one another.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: W. Bulmer, 1807.
Subjects: Optics. | Color.
Member(s): William Herschel
Experiments on the solar, and on the terrestrial rays that occasion heat : with a comparative view of the laws to which light and heat : or rather the rays which occasion them are subject in order to determine whether they are the same or different : by William Herschel, LL. D. F.R.S.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-Row, St. James's, 1800.
Subjects: Light. | Infrared spectra.
Member(s): William Herschel
A fourth catalogue of the comparative brightness of the stars.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: [London:], [1799?]
Subjects: Stars -- Catalogs -- Early works to 1800.
Member(s): William Herschel
Investigation of the cause of that indistinctness of vision which has been ascribed to the smallness of the optic pencil : by William Herschel, LL.D. F.R.S. : Read at the Royal Society, June 22, 1786.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: printed by J. Nichols, [1786]
Subjects: Telescopes -- Early works to 1800.
Holding Note: APS holds one copy, which contains early bookplate of American Philosophical Society: "Gift of Dr. B. Franklin."
View Holding
Member(s): William Herschel
Investigation of the powers of the prismatic colours to heat and illuminate objects, &c. Experiments on the Refrangibility of the invisible rays of the sun. Experiments on the solar, and on the Terrestrial Rays that occasion heat, &c : by William Herschel, LL. D. F. R. S. being a series of papers read at the Royal Society, and published in the Philosophical Transactions.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: [London]: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Russel-Court, Cleveland-Row, St. James's, 1800.
Subjects: Solar cosmic rays -- Early works to 1800.
Member(s): William Herschel
Neuste Berichte vom Cap der guten Hoffnung über Sir John Herschel's höchst merkwürdige, astronomische Entdeckungen den Mond und seine Bewohner betreffend.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: Hamburg: Erie, 1836.
Member(s): William Herschel | Member(s): James Ferguson
A new geographical, commercial, and historical grammar, and present state of the several empires and kingdoms of the world : containing I. the distances, figures, and revolutions of the celestial bodies ... : to with is added, I.A geographical index ... II. A table of coins of all the different nations ... III. A chronological table of remarkable events ....
Creator(s): Philosophical Society of Edinburgh (Corporate Author) | Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author) | Guthrie, William, 1708-1770 (Author) | Ferguson, James, 1710-1776 (Author) | Knox, John, 1720-1790 (Author)
Publication: Edinburgh: Printed for Alexander Kincaid, and sold by all the Booksellers, 1792.
Subjects: Geography -- Early works to 1800.
Editions: 2x 1792 (Edinburgh), 1x 1794 (London), 1x 1796 (London), 1x 1799 (Montrose), 1x 1801 (London), 1x 1800 (London), 1x 1805 (London).
Editions Note: Eight editions: Two in 1792 (Edinburgh), one in 1794 (London), one in 1796 (London), one in 1799 (Montrose), one in 1801 (London), one in 1800 (London), one in 1805 (London).
Member(s): William Herschel
Observations of a comet, made with a view to investigate its magnitude and the nature of its illumination: to which is added, an account of a new irregularity lately perceived in the apparent figure of the planet Saturn.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-row, St. James's, 1808.
Subjects: Comets -- 1807.
Member(s): William Herschel
Observations of a comet, with remarks on the construction of its different parts.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-row, St. James's, 1812.
Subjects: Comets -- 1811.
Member(s): William Herschel
Observations of a quintuple belt on the planet Saturn : also, an account of some particulars observed during the late eclipse of the sun : and also, on the rotation of the planet Saturn upon its axis : by William Herschel, LL.D. F.R.S.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: [London: s.n.], 1794.
Subjects: Saturn (Planet) -- Early works to 1800. | Solar eclipses -- Early works to 1800.
Member(s): William Herschel
Observations of a second comet, with remarks on its construction.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-row, St. James's, 1812.
Subjects: Comets -- 1812.
Member(s): William Herschel
Observations of the changeable brightness of the satellites of Jupiter, and of the variation in their apparent magnitudes; with a determination of the time of their rotatory motions on their axes : to which is added, a measure of the diameter of the second satellite, and an estimate of the comparative size of all the four : by William Herschel, LL.D. F.R.S.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: [London: s.n.], 1797.
Subjects: Jupiter (Planet)
Member(s): William Herschel
Observations of the transit of Mercury over the disk of the sun : to which is added an investigation of the causes which often prevent the proper action of mirrors.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-row, St. James's, 1803.
Subjects: Mirrors. | Planets -- Transits. | Mercury (Planet)
Member(s): William Herschel
Observations on the nature of the new celestial body discovered by Dr. Olbers, and of the comet which was expected to appear last January in its return from the sun.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-row, St. James's, 1807.
Subjects: Comets -- 1807. | Solar system -- Vesta (Asteroid)
Member(s): William Herschel
Observations on the planet Venus.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: [London: s.n.], 1793.
Subjects: Venus (Planet) -- Early works to 1800. | Venus (Planet) -- Atmosphere -- Early works to 1800.
Member(s): William Herschel
Observations on the singular figure of the planet Saturn.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-row, St. James's, 1805.
Subjects: Saturn (Planet)
Member(s): William Herschel
Observations on the two lately discovered celestial bodies.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: Printed by W. Bulmer, 1802.
Subjects: Stars -- Observations.
Editions: 1x 1802 (London), 1x 1805 (Gottingen)
Editions Note: Two editions: one in 1802 (London) and one 1805 (Gottingen).
Member(s): William Herschel
Observations tending to investigate the nature of the Sun, in order to find the causes or symptoms of its variable emission of light and heat, with remarks on the use that may possibly be drawn from solar observations.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: Printed by Bulmer, 1801.
Subjects: Solar flares. | Sun.
Member(s): William Herschel
On nebulous stars, properly so called.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: [London: s.n.], 1791.
Subjects: Nebulae -- Early works to 1800.
Member(s): William Herschel
On the construction of the heavens : by William Herschel, Esq. F.R.S. : Read at the Royal Society, February 3, 1785.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: printed by J. Nichols, [1785]
Subjects: Astronomy -- Early works to 1800.
Editions Note: Three editions: one in 1785 (London), one in 1826 (Dresden), and one in 1850 (Leipzig).
Member(s): William Herschel
On the diameter and magnitude of the Georgium Sidus; : with a description of the dark and lucid disk and periphery micrometers.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: [London: s.n.], 1782.
Subjects: Uranus (Planet)
Member(s): William Herschel
On the direction and velocity of the motion of the sun, and solar system.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-row, St. James's, 1805.
Subjects: Sun | Solar System (Motion in space)
Member(s): William Herschel
On the discovery of four additional satellites of the Georgium Sidus : the Retrograde motion of its old Satellites announced : and the cause of their disappearance at certain distances from the Planet explained.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: [London: s.n.], 1798.
Subjects: Uranus (Planet) -- Satellites -- Early works to 1800.
Member(s): William Herschel
On the method of observing the changes that happen to the fixed stars; with some remarks of the stability of the light of our sun : to which is added, catalogue of comparative brightness, for ascertaining the permanency of the Lustre of stars.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: [London: s.n.], 1796.
Subjects: Stars -- Luminosity function -- Early works to 1800. | Stars -- Catalogs -- Early works to 1800.
Member(s): William Herschel
On the nature and construction of the sun and fixed stars.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: [London: s.n.], 1795.
Subjects: Stars -- Early works to 1800. | Celestial mechanics -- Early works to 1800.
Editions: 1x 1795 (London) and 1x 1798 (Edinburgh).
Editions Note: Two editions: one in 1795 (London) and one in 1798 (Edinburgh).
Member(s): William Herschel
On the periodical star [alpha] Herculis : with remarks tending to establish the rotatory motion of the stars on their axes : to which is added a second catalogue of the comparative brightness of the star.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: [London: s.n.], 1796.
Subjects: Stars -- Catalogs -- Early works to 1800. | Variable stars -- Early works to 1800.
Member(s): William Herschel
On the places of 145 new double stars.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: Printed by Richard and Arthur Taylor, Shoe-Lane, 1821.
Member(s): William Herschel
On the power of penetrating into space by telescopes : with a comparative determination of the extent of that power in natural vision, and in telescopes of various sizes and constructions : illustrated by select observations.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: [London]: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Russel-Court, Cleveland-Row, St. James's, 1800.
Subjects: Telescopes. | Astronomy. | Scientific apparatus and instruments.
Member(s): William Herschel
On the quantity and velocity of the solar motion.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-row, St. James's, 1806.
Member(s): William Herschel
On the remarkable appearances at the polar regions of the planet Mars, the inclination of its axis, ... with a few hints relating to its real diameter and atmosphere : by William Herschel : Read at the Royal Society, March 11, 1784.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: printed by J. Nichols, 1784.
Member(s): William Herschel
On the ring of Saturn, and the rotation of the fifth satellite upon its axis. With miscellaneous observations, &c.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: [London:], [1792]
Subjects: Astronomy -- Early works to 1800. | Planets -- Early works to 1800. | Satellites -- Early works to 1800. | Saturn (Planet)
Member(s): William Herschel
On the satellites of the planet Saturn, and the rotation of its ring on an axis.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: [London: s.n.], 1790.
Subjects: Saturn (Planet) -- Satellites -- Early works to 1800.
Member(s): William Herschel
Outlines of geography : natural, civil and political, concisely stating the natural divisions of the terraqueous globe ... : to which is added a brief view of the solar system, according to the latest discoveries by Dr. Herschell and others.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author) | Harris, William G, 1897-1967 (Compiler)
Publication: Carlisle [Pa.]: Printed by Alexander & Phillips, 1808.
Subjects: Geography. | Solar system.
References: Shaw & Shoemaker 15196
Member(s): William Herschel
Recherches sur la nouvelle planéte, découverte par Monsieur Herschel & nommée Georgium Sidus : Lues à l'Assemblée Publique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg, le II. de Mars 1783.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author) | Lexell, Anders Johan, 1740-1784 (Author)
Publication: St. Petersbourg: De l'Imprimerie de l'Académie des Sciences, 1783.
Subjects: Uranus (Planet)
Editions: 1x 1783 (St Petersburg), 1x 1788 (London)
Editions Note: Two editions: one in 1783 (St Petersburg), one in 1788 (London).
Member(s): William Herschel
Remarks on the new comet : by William Herschel, LL.D. F.R.S. : Read at the Royal Society, Nov. 16, 1786.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: printed by J. Nichols, [1787]
Subjects: Comets -- 1786.
Member(s): William Herschel
A series of observations of the satellites of the Georgian planet, including a passage through the node of their orbits, with an introductory accountof the telescopic apparatus that has been used on this occasion, and a finalexposition of some calculated particulars deduced from the observations.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: Printed by W. Bulmer, 1815.
Subjects: Satellites. | Uranus (Planet)
Member(s): William Herschel
Supplement to the first and second part of the paper of Experiments, for investigating the cause of coloured concentric rings between object glasses, and other appearances of a similar nature.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-row, St. James's, 1810.
Subjects: Optics -- Experiments. | Light. | Refraction.
Member(s): William Herschel
A third catalogue of the comparative brightness of the stars : with an introductory account of an index to Mr. Flamsteed's observations of the fixed stars, contained in the second volume of the Historia Coelestis : to which are added, several useful results derived from that index.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: [London: s.n.], 1797.
Subjects: Stars -- Catalogs -- Early works to 1800.
Member(s): William Herschel
Ueber den Bau des Himmels : drey Abhandlungen : nebst einem authentischen Auszug aus Kants Allgemeiner Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels.
Creator(s): Herschel, William, Sir, 1738-1822 (Author)
Publication: Königsberg: Nicolovius, 1791.