John H. de Magellan (417)

Election date: 1784

John H. de Magellan (4 November 1722–7 February 1790) was a natural philosopher, a translator, and a member of the American Philosophical Society, elected in 1784. De Magellan was born to a wealthy and well-connected family in Aveiro, Portugal. As a young man, he entered the Augustinian order where he first encountered the writings of Isaac Newton and other foundational scientists in the convent’s library. A life of religious solitude did not suit de Magellan, and in 1754 he petitioned the pope to leave the convent and live a secular life. He found work as a translator of both scientific works and of religious texts. After settling in England in 1763, he became involved in British scientific circles: he attended meetings as a guest at the Royal Society for years before he became a member in 1774. De Magellan worked for many years as a travel companion to young people, including scientists, on trips around Europe. This work helped him form connections among leading intellectuals throughout the continent, and his widespread correspondence helped spread news of scientific discoveries and technological advances. In the early 1770s he carried information about APS Member Joseph Priestley’s work on gases to APS Member Antoine Lavoisier; this proved crucial to Lavoisier’s later discoveries. The value of de Magellan’s role as a disseminator of valuable knowledge was rewarded with membership in several of the leading academies and scientific organizations of the time, including the Academie Royale des Sciences, the St. Petersburg Academy, the Society of Arts, and the Imperial Academy of Sciences in Brussels. Scientists and governments throughout Europe frequently commissioned him to supply them with the latest scientific apparatus, and he applied his own extensive scientific understanding in proposing improvements to commonly manufactured instruments. De Magellan suffered from poor health throughout much of his life and died at his home in London in 1790. (DNB)

Member(s): Antoine L. Lavoisier | Member(s): John H. de Magellan
Nouvelle construction d'alambic pour faire toute sorte de distillation en grand : avec le plus d'économie dans l'operation, et le plus d'avantage dans le résultat. En deux parties; la première contenant son application à la distillation des eaux-de-vie; et la seconde celle à la dessalaison de l'eau de la mer à bord des vaisseaux ...
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, 1743-1794 (Author) | Magalhães, João Jacinto de, 1722-1790 (Contributor)
[S.l.], 1781.
Distillation -- Early works to 1800. | Seawater. | Brandy.
Record Source:
1x 1781 ([S.l.]), 1x 1805 (Lisbon)
Editions Note:

Two editions: one in 1781 (Paris?) and one in 1805 (Lisbon).

Holding Note: APS holds one copy of the 1781 edition, one of which was presented by the author. View Holding

Member(s): John H. de Magellan
Beschreibung neuer Barometer.
Magalhães, João Jacinto de, 1722-1790 (Author)
Leipzig, 1782.
Record Source:
1x 1782 (Leipzig)
Editions Note:

One edition.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): John H. de Magellan
Collection de différens traités sur des instrumens d'astonomie, physique, &c. Diviseé en deux parties : ... Par J.H. de Magellan, ...
Magalhães, João Jacinto de, 1722-1790 (Author)
Paris & Londres: de l'imprimérie de W. Richardson: chez B. White; P. Elmsley; & W. Brown, 1775 & 1780
Science -- Early works to 1800.
Record Source:
2x 1775 (Paris, London) 2x 1780 (Paris, London)
Editions Note:

Four editions in various states: two in 1775 (Paris, London) two in 1780 (Paris, London).

Holding Note: APS holds one edition of the Paris & London hybrid, which was presented by author; recd. 17 Oct. 1783.

Member(s): John H. de Magellan
Description des octants et sextants anglois : ou, Quarts de cercle a reflection, avec la maniere de se servir de ces instrumens, pour prendre toutes sortes de distances angulaires, tant sur mer que sur terre ...
Magalhães, João Jacinto de, 1722-1790 (Author)
Paris: Valade, and London: Elmsley, 1775.
Astronomical instruments. | Scientific apparatus and instruments.
Record Source:
2x 1775 (Paris, London), 1x 1779 (London), 1x 1780 (London)
Editions Note:

Four editions: two in 1775 (Paris, London), one in 1779 (London), one in 1780 (London).

Member(s): John H. de Magellan
Description of a glass apparatus, for making mineral waters, like those of Pyrmont, Spa, Seltzer, &c. in a few minutes, and with a very little expence : Together with the Description of some New Eudiometers, or Instruments for ascertaining the Wholsomeness of Respirable Air; and the Method of Using these Instruments : in a letter to the Rev. Dr. Priestley, L L. D. F. R. S. By J. H. de Magellan, F. R. S.
Magalhães, João Jacinto de, 1722-1790 (Author)
London: printed for W. Parker, No. 69, Fleet-Street, and sold by J. Johnson No. 72, St. Paul's Church-Yard,, and W. Brown, the Corner of Essex-Street, in the Strand, [1777]
Mineral waters, Artificial. | Eudiometers.
Record Source:
1x 1777 (London), 1x 1778 (London), 2x 1779 (London, Utrecht), 1x 1780 (Dresden), 1x 1783 (London), 1x 1793 (Amsterdam)
Editions Note:

Six editions: one in 1777 (London), one in 1778 (London), two in 1779 (London, Utrecht), one in 1780 (Dresden), one in 1783 (London), one in 1793 (Amsterdam). The 1778 edition is appended to a biography of Rousseau.

Holding Note: APS holds four copies: two from 1777 from the library of Benjamin Franklin, as well as another, one 1780 which bears the bookplate of Franz Sondheimer, and two 1783 [1], [2], both presented by the author.

Member(s): John H. de Magellan
Essai sur la nouvelle théorie du feu élémentaire, et de la chaleur des corps : Avec la description des nouveaux thermometres, destinés particulierement aux observations sur ce sujet : par J. H. de Magellan, gentil-homme portugais, membre de la société royale de londres, de l'academie imperiale des sciences de Petersbourg, de la royale de madrid, et correspondent de l'academie royale des sciences de Paris.
Magalhães, João Jacinto de, 1722-1790 (Author)
À Londres [London]: De l'imprimerie de W. Richardson, dans le Strand : et se vend chez B. White, libraire, en Fleet-street : P. Elmsley, libraire, dans le Strand; & W. Brown, libraire, au coin d'Essex-street, prés de Temple-Bar, [1780]
Heat -- Early works to 1800.
Record Source:
1x 1780 (London)
Editions Note:

One edition of an extract from the author's Collection de diffèrens traitès sur des instrumens d'astronomie, 1780, of which it formed the fourth part, with added titlepage, dedication and Avertissement.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): John H. de Magellan
An essay towards a system of mineralogy : by Axel Fredric Cronstedt : translated from the original Swedish, with notes, by Gustav von Engestrom : to which is added, a treatise on the pocket-laboratory, containing an easy method, used by the author, for trying mineral bodies, written by the translator : the whole revised and corrected, with some additional notes, by Emanuel Mendes da Costa.
Cronstedt, Axel Fredrik, 1722-1765 (Author) | Engeström, Gustav von, 1738-1813 (Translator) | Mendes da Costa, Emanuel, 1717-1791 (Editor) | Magalhães, João Jacinto de, 1722-1790 (Editor)
London: Printed for Charles Dilly, in the Poultry, [1770]
Record Source:
1x 1770 (London), 1x 1788 London
Editions Note:

Two editions: one in 1770 and one in 1788.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): John H. de Magellan
Extrait d'une lettre ... sur une pendule peu commune de son invention.
Magalhães, João Jacinto de, 1722-1790 (Author)
[S.l], [n.d.]
Record Source:
1x nd ([S.l])
Editions Note:

One edition.

Holding Note: APS holds one copy, presented by author; June 1786. View Holding

Member(s): John H. de Magellan
Notice des instrumens d'astronomie, de géodesie, de physique, &c. faits dernierement à Londres, par ordre de la Cour d'Espagne : avec le précis de leur construction, qualités, et perfectionemens nouveaux. Par J. H. de Magellan, ...
Magalhães, João Jacinto de, 1722-1790 (Author)
Londres [London]: de l'imprimérie de W. Richardson: et se vend chez B. White; P. Elmsley; & W. Brown, 1780.
Record Source:
1x 1780 (London)
Editions Note:

One edition.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): John H. de Magellan
Relation ou notice des derniers jours de Mons. Jean Jacques Rousseau : circonstances de sa mort, et quels sont les ouvrages posthumes, qu'on peut attendre, de lui : par Mons. Le Begue de Presle ... : avec une addition relative au même sujet, par J.H. de Magellan ...
Le Bègue de Presle, Achille-Guillaume, ca. 1735-1807 (Author) | Magalhães, João Jacinto, 1722-1790 (Contributor)
Londres [London]: Chez B. White ... [etc.], 1778.
Record Source:
1x 1778 (London), 2x 1779 (London, Neuchâtel), 1x 1780
Editions Note:

Three editions. In addition to comments on Rousseau's death, this edition contains a copy of Magellan's: Description of a glass apparatus for making mineral waters.

Holding Note: APS holds one copy, which was presented by the author. View Holding

Member(s): John H. de Magellan
Voyages et mèmoires de Maurice-Auguste, comte de Benyowsky ... contenant ses opèrations militaires en Pologne, son exil au Kamchatka, son evasion et son voyage ... . Tome premier [-second].
Beniowski, Maurycy August, (1746-1786) (Author) | Magalhaes, João Jacinto de, (1722-1790) (Author) | Noël, François Joseph Michel (1755-1841) (Editor)
Paris: Chez F. Buisson, imprimeur-libraire, 1791.
Record Source:
1x 1791 (Paris), 1x 1797 (Warsaw)
Editions Note:

Two editions: one in 1791 (Paris) and one in 1797 (Warsaw).

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.