Antoine Court de Gebilin (409)

Election date: 1783

Antoine Court de Gébelin (c.1724/28–1784) was a scholar, pastor, and a member of the American Philosophical Society, elected in 1783. Born either in Geneva, Switzerland or Nîmes, France, de Gébelin attended the Lausanne Seminary with the intent of following in his father’s footsteps and becoming a pastor. Defending his thesis in 1754, he then taught philosophy, ethics, and controversy for the next nine years. After his father’s death in 1760, he relocated to Paris where he dedicated himself to studying ancient language and mythology. He joined many confraternal societies which dealt in those spheres: namely the Freemasons in 1771, and the Nine Sisters, for whom he served as secretary in 1778. By 1775, de Gébelin began publishing volumes of his De Monde Primitif, wherein he explored a universal theory of ancient language; established a history of the calendar; and even reconstructed the ancient art of tarot, employing seemingly encyclopedic knowledge throughout. An ambitious undertaking, he earned the title of Censeur Royal for his efforts, despite being a Protestant. All the while, he remained an activist for political and religious liberty: he advocated for the rights of his fellow Protestants in France, and supported American Independence, contributing to the Affaires de l’Angleterre et de l'Amérique (1776) alongside Benjamin Franklin, a fellow member of the Nine Sisters, and other American patriots. He died having published eleven volumes of the incomplete De Monde Primitif, and while mostly overlooked today, de Gébelin is considered instrumental in development of modern day tarot-reading. (EB)

Member(s): Antoine Court de Gebilin
Allégories orientales, ou Le fragment de Sanchoniaton qui contient l'histoire de Saturne, suivie de celles de Mercure et d'Hercule et de ses douze travaux avec leur explication pour servir aà l'intelligence du Génie symbolique de l'antiquité.
Court de Gébelin, Antoine, 1725-1784 (Author) | Marillier, Clement Pierre () | Romanet, Antoine Louis ()
Paris : Chez l'auteur…, 1773.
Lengua francesa. | EtimologiÌa. | Lengua griega. | Lengua latina.
Record Source:
1x 1773 (Paris), 1x 1777 (Paris), 1x 1789 (Regensburg [Germany}), 1x 1794 (Regensburg)
Editions Note:

Four editions: two in Paris (1773, 1777), two in Regensburg, German in (1789, 1794).

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Antoine Court de Gebilin
Calendrier et règlemens du Musée de Paris, suivis du Tableau de ceux qui composent cette Société.
Court de Gébelin, Antoine, 1725-1784 (Author) | Musée de Paris (Corporate Author)
[Paris]: [s.n.], 1784.
Literature -- Societies, etc. -- Early works to 1800. | Societies -- Early works to 1800. | Literature -- Societies, etc. | Societies. | Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel, 1739-1817.
Record Source:
1x 1784 ([Paris])
Editions Note:

One edition. Many APS Members shared membership in the Musée. As The Hagley Museum and Library notes: "The Musée de Paris, a literary society, was established in 1780 by Antoine Court de Gébelin. Cf. Nouv. biogr. générale, vol. 12, p. 218. Du Pont de Nemours is listed
among 'associés-libres,' p. 40: 'Dupont, Chevalier ..., Inspecteur-Général du Commerce, &c.' The membership also included Benjamin Franklin."

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Antoine Court de Gebilin
Dictionnaire étymologique et raisonné des racines latines : extrait du Monde primitif, & aà l'usage des jeunes gens. Avec approbation et privilége du roi.
Court de Gébelin, Antoine, 1725-1784 (Author)
Paris: Chez l'auteur, 1780.
Latin language -- Etymology -- Dictionaries. | Latin language -- Dictionaries -- French. | French language -- Dictionaries -- Latin. | French language. | Latin language. | Latin language -- Etymology.
Record Source:
1x 1780 (Paris), 1x 1788 (Paris)
Editions Note:

Two editions. While this is an abridgment of the 6th and 7th volumes of his Monde primitif, it is included owing to substantive changes and its standing alone.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Antoine Court de Gebilin
Histoire des troubles des Cevennes : ou de la guerre des Camisars, sous le regne de Louis le Grand : tirée de manuscrits secrets & autentiques & des observations faites sur les lieux mé‚ mes, avec une carte de Cevennes.
Court, Antoine, 1696-1760 (Author) | Court de Gébelin, Antoine, 1725-1784 (Editor)
Villefranche: Chez Pierre Chretien, 1760.
Camisards -- Early works to 1800. | Camisards. | History. | Mottled calf bindings (Binding) -- France -- 18th century. | France.
Record Source:
1x 1760 (Villefranche)
Editions Note:

One edition.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Antoine Court de Gebilin
Histoire naturelle de la parole; ou, Précis de l'origine du langage & de la grammaire universelle. Extrait du Monde primitif.
Court de Gébelin, Antoine, 1725-1784 (Author)
Paris: Chez l'Auteur [etc.], 1776.
Historical linguistics. | Language and languages. | Grammars.
Record Source:
1x 1776 (Paris)
Editions Note:

Two editions, both in Paris: one in 1776 and one in 1816. An extract from Gébelin's "Monde primitif," this volume appeared separately under his care.

Holding Note: APS holds one copy of both the 1776 and the 1816, the latter of which was a bequest of P.S. DuPonceau on May 3, 1844.

Member(s): Antoine Court de Gebilin
Le patriote françois et impartial, ou, Réponse à la Lettre de Mr. l'evêque d'Agen à Mr. le controleur général contre la tolerance des huguenots, en datte du premier may 1751.
Court, Antoine, 1696-1760 (Author) | Court de Gébelin, Antoine, 1725-1784 ()
[France]: [s.n.], 1751.
Huguenots -- France. | Huguenots.
Record Source:
1x 1751 ([France]), 1x 1753 (Villefranche)
Editions Note:

Two editions, published anonymously somewhere in France. Barbier attributes this work to Court and his son, Court de Gébelin.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Antoine Court de Gebilin
Les toulousaines Ou lettres historiques et apologétiques en faveur de la religion reformée, & de divers protestants condamnés dansces derniers tems par le parlement de Toulouse, ou dans le Haut Languedoc.
Court de Gébelin, Antoine, 1725-1784 (Author)
Edimbourg: [s.n].], [1763]
Protestants -- France -- Early works to 1800.
Record Source:
1x 1763 (Edimbourg)
Editions Note:

One edition, printed anonymously. The imprint is false; possibly printed at Toulouse.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Antoine Court de Gebilin
Lettre A L'Auteur Anonyme de deux pretendus extraits Inseres dans le Journal des Savans des mois de Nov. & Dec. 1773 : Publies Contre Le Plan General Et Raisonne du Monde Primitif analyse & compare avec le Monde moderne, et Contre Les Allegories Orientales ou le Fragment de Sanchoniaton, &c. ...
Court de Gebelin, Antoine, 1725-1784 (Author)
Paris: De l'Imprimerie de Valleyre l'aine, 1774.
Record Source:
1x 1774 (Paris)
Editions Note:

One edition.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Antoine Court de Gebilin
Lettre de l'auteur du Monde primitif a messieurs ses souscripteurs.
Court de Gébelin, Antoine, 1725-1784 (Author)
[Paris]: De l'imprimerie de Valleyre l'aîne, rue vieille Bouclerie, 1783.
Hypnosis. | Mesmer, Franz Anton, 1734-1815.
Record Source:
1x 1783 ([Paris]), 1x 1784 (Paris)
Editions Note:

Two editions, both in Paris: one in 1783 and one in 1784.

Holding Note: APS holds one copy of the 1784 Paris edition. View Holding

Member(s): Antoine Court de Gebilin
Memoire historique de ce qui s'est passé de plus remarquable au sujet de la religion reformée, en plusieurs provinces de France, depuis 1744, jusqu'aà la présente année 1751.
Court, Antoine, 1696-1760 (Author) | Court de Gébelin, Antoine, 1725-1784 (Author)
[France]: [s.n.], 1751.
Huguenots -- France. | Huguenots.
Record Source:
1x 1751 ([France])
Editions Note:

One edition, published anonymously. Probable authors from: Barbier, A.A. Ouvrages anonymes, v. 3, col. 806.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Antoine Court de Gebilin
Monde primitif, analysé et comparé avec le monde moderne.
Court de Gébelin, Antoine, 1725-1784 (Author)
Paris: [Chez l'auteur : Boudet : Valeyre l'aîné : and three others], 1773-1782.
Anthropology. | Language and languages.
Record Source:
1x 1773-1782 (Paris), 1x 1777-1796 (Paris)
Editions Note:

Two full 9v editions, issued over a number of years. Both sets were printed in Paris: one in 1773-1782 and one in 1777-1796.

The separate volumes lent themselves to extracted volumes which are not accounted for in this entry (although notable separate volumes appear under this Member's publications). Thus, researchers may find separate volumes listed under the following volume subtitles: t. 1. Plan général. Du génie allégorique et symbolique des anciens. Allégories orientales (with special t. p.) -- t. 2. Grammaire universelle -- t. 3. Origin du language et de l'écriture ... -- t. 4. Histoire civile, religieuse et allégorique du calendrier ... -- t. 5. Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue françoise -- t. 6-7. Dictionnaire étymoligique de la langue latine -- t. 8. Dissertations mélées -- t. 9. Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque.

Holding Note: APS holds one full set of all nine volumes, which bear the autograph of Edw. Paxson, as well as one copy of the second volume (1773) which includes the bookplate of M. Roederer and was presented by Hans C. Aarsleff in 2015.

Member(s): Antoine Court de Gebilin
Objet de la Mythologie et des Monumens de l'Antiquité.
Court de Gébelin, Antoine, 1725-1784 (Author)
Carlsruhe: sn, 1777?
Record Source:
1x 1777 (Carlsruhe)
Editions Note:

One edition. Likely an extract from Monde Primitif.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Antoine Court de Gebilin
Plan général et raisonné des divers objets et des découvertes qui composent l'ouvrage intitulé : "Monde primitif analysé et comparé avec le monde moderne, ou Recherches sur les antiquités du monde."
Court de GeÌbelin, Antoine, 1725-1784 (Author) (Author)
Paris: L'Auteur, 1773.
Record Source:
1x 1773 (Paris)
Editions Note:

One edition.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Antoine Court de Gebilin
The shield of Achilles, translated from the French of Monsieur Court de Gebelin.
Court de Gébelin, Antoine, 1725-1784 (Author)
Reading: printed and sold by Carnan and Smart : sold also by Mr. Robinson and Mr. Elmsley, in London, and by the booksellers in Oxford, 1784.
Record Source:
1x 1784 (Reading)
Editions Note:

One edition.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Antoine Court de Gebilin
Storia naturale della parola : o sia, Grammatica universale all'uso de'giovani di Court de Gebelin : con un discorso preliminare e note del conte Lanjuinais.
Court de Gébelin, Antoine, 1725-1784 (Author)
Napoli: dalla tipografia del Reale albergo de'poveri, 1829.
Record Source:
1x 1829 (Napoli, dalla tipografia del Reale albergo de'poveri)
Editions Note:

One edition. A translation of the second volume of Monde Primitif.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.