Der hundert und neunzehnte Psalm ein Examengeschenk an die Neuyorkischen Lutherischen Schulkinder.
Creator(s): Kunze, John C (John Christopher), 1744-1807 (Author)
Publication: Philadelphia: Gedruckt bey Melchior Steiner, in der Rees-Strasse, zwischen der Zweiten- und Dritten-Strasse, 1791.
Editions: 1x 1791 (Philadelphia)
Ein Wort für den Verstand und das Herz vom rechten und gebanten Lebenswege von Johann Christoph Kunze, A.M. Ev. Pred. zu Philadelphia, in Nordamerika.
Creator(s): Kunze, John C (John Christopher), 1744-1807 (Author)
Publication: Philadelphia: Gedrukt bey Melchior Steiner, in der Reestrasse, zwischen der Zweiten und Dritten Strasse, 1781.
Subjects: Christian life.
References: Sabin 38351 note | Evans 17200 | Evans 17199
Editions: 2x 1781 (Philadelphia)
Editions Note: Two editions, both in 1781; the second (Evans 17199) is titled "Etwas vom rechten Lebenswege."
Eine Aufforderung an das Volk Gottes in Amerika zum frohen Jauchzen und Danken : an dem von einem erlauchten Congres wegen erhaltenen Friedens und erlangter Unabhängigkeit auf den 11ten December, 1783, ausgeschriebenen Dankfeste in der Zions-Kirche zu Philadelphia vorgestellt, und auf Verlangen verschiedener Zuhörer dem Druk [sic] übergeben, nebst dem Anhange einer andern Predigt änlichen Inhalts, und an dem Dank- und Bettage des Jares [sic] 1779 gehalten, von Johann Christoph Kunze, der Heil. Schrift Doctor, Professor der orient. und der deutschen Sprache auf der Univers. zu Philadelphia und Ev. Luther. Pred. daselbst.
Creator(s): Kunze, John C (John Christopher), 1744-1807 (Author)
Publication: Philadelphia: Gedrukt [sic] bei Melchior Steiner, in der Rees-Strasse, zwischen der Zweiten- und Dritten-Strasse, 1784.
Subjects: United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783.
References: Sabin 38350 | Evans 18548
Editions: 1x 1784 (Philadelphia)
Einige Gedichte und Lieder von Johann Christoph Kunze, Ev. Luth. Pred. zu Philadelphia, in Nordamerika.
Creator(s): Kunze, John C (John Christopher), 1744-1807 (Author)
Publication: Philadelphia: Gedrukt [sic] und zu finden bei Christoph und Peter Saur, 1778.
Editions: 1x 1778 (Philadelphia)
Elisas betränter Nachruf bei der Hinwegname seines Gottesmannes Elias eine Gedächtnispredigt auf den Abschied des Herrn D. und Senior Heinrich Melchior Mühlenbergs, gehalten zu Neuyork am 19. Sonntage nach Trinitatis, 1787, von des vollendeten Greises Schwiegersone und ehemaligen Kollegen zu Philadelphia, D. Johann Christoph Kunze.
Creator(s): Kunze, John C (John Christopher), 1744-1807 (Author)
Publication: Philadelphia: Gedrukt bei Melchior Steiner, in der Rees-Strase, zwischen der Zweiten- und Dritten-Strasse, 1787.
Editions: 1x 1787 (Philadelphia)
Editions Note: One edition. Evans misdates to 1788 based on advertisement.
A hymn and prayer-book : for the use of such Lutheran churches as use the English language.
Creator(s): Kunze, John C. (John Christopher), 1744-1807 (Compiler) | Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 Kleine Katechismus. English. (Contributor)
Publication: New York: Printed and sold by Hurtin and Commardinger, no. 450, Pearl-Street. (With privilege of copy right.), 1795.
Subjects: Lutherans. | Lutheran Church -- Prayer-books and devotions. | Lutheran Church -- Catechisms. | Lutheran Church -- Hymns -- Hymns.
Editions: 1x 1795 (New York)
Editions Note: One edition. As LCP notes, it was the first Lutheran hymn book printed in English, and contains the earliest surviving translation of Luther's Shorter catechism.
King Solomon's great sacrifice at the dedication of his temple : a sermon preached on the nineteenth Trinity Sunday, October 11th 1801 : at the dedication of the new erected English Lutheran Church, called Zion : in the city of New-York.
Creator(s): Kunze, John C (John Christopher), 1744-1807 (Author)
Publication: New York: Printed by L. Nichols & Co, 1801.
Subjects: Church dedication -- New York (State) -- New York. | English Lutheran Church (New York, New York)
References: Shaw-Shoemaker 782
Editions: 1x 1801 (New York)
Library of the late Dr. Kunze, offered for sale by his widow.
Creator(s): Kunze, Margaretta Henrietta, 1751- (Author) | Kunze, John C 1744-1807 (John Christopher) (Contributor)
Publication: [New York: s.n], 1808.
Subjects: Booksellers and bookselling -- New York (State) -- New York. | Private libraries -- New York (State) -- New York -- Catalogs. | Booksellers and bookselling. | Libraries. | Private libraries. | Kunze, John C. (John Christopher), 1744-1807. | Catalogues.
Editions: 1x 1808 (New York)
Lobet den Herrn, der zu Zion wohnet! Bey dem erstmaligen Wiederbesuche der durch den Feind inwendig verwüstet gewesenen, aber durch den Segen Gottes wieder völlig hergestellten Evangelish-Lutherischen Zions-Kirche, zu Philadelphia, den 22sten September, 1782. H.H. [Four lines of Scripture text]
Creator(s): Kunze, John C (John Christopher), 1744-1807 (Author)
Publication: Philadelphia: Gedruckt bei Melchior Steiner, in der rees-Strasse, [1782]
Subjects: United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 -- Destruction and pillage. | Hymns, German.
Editions: 1x 1782 (Philadelphia)
Editions Note: One edition. Attributed to John Christopher Kunze by Evans, but also attributed to Henry Helmuth.
A new method of calculating all the lunar and solar eclipses, and new and full moons, from the creation of the world, grounded upon scripture chronology / By John C. Kunze ...
Creator(s): Kunze, John C.|(John Christopher), 1744-1807 (Author)
Publication: New York: Printed by T. & J. Swords, 1806.
Subjects: Calendar. | Astronomy. | Early works to 1800. | Eclipses.
References: Shaw-Shoemaker 10685
APS Subjects: Astronomy | Science
Editions: 1x 1806 (New York)
Holding Note: APS holds one copy, which was dedicated to the American Philosophical Society, and which bears the autograph of J. Friederich Schmidt.
View Holding
Religious instruction for children : as taught in the English Lutheran School, in New York.
Creator(s): Kunze, John C 1744-1807 (John Christopher) (Author) | Strebeck, George () | Freylinghausen, Johann Anastasius, 1670-1739 () | Corp Author(s): English Lutheran School (New York, NY) ()
Publication: New York: Printed by John Tiebout, No. 358 Pearl-street, 1797.
Subjects: Christian life. | Christian life. | Named Corp: Lutheran Church -- Catechisms. | Catechisms.
Editions: 1x 1797 (New York)
Editions Note: One edition. Attributed to John C. Kunze.
The rudiments of the shorter catechism of Dr. Martin Luther : appointed for the instruction of children and young people : published in English, chiefly for the use of those of the Lutheran congregations in America : to which is annexed, an abridgment of the principles of the evangelical religion.
Creator(s): Kunze, John C (John Christopher), 1744-1807 (Author)
Publication: Philadelphia: Printed by M. Steiner, in Race-Street, near Third-Street, 1785.
Subjects: Lutheran Church -- Catechisms.
References: Evans 19055 | Evans 44713
Editions: 1x 1785 (Philadelphia)
Editions Note: One edition. As ESTC notes, this is an original work, attributed to John Christopher Kunze in: Repp, A.C. Luther's catechism comes to America, 1982, p. 97-98. Evans's entry, based on an advertisement, suggests New York as possible place of publication.
Six sermons, preached by the late Mr. Lawrence v. Buskirk, B.A. candidate for the holy ministry. [Epitaph of the deceased author]
Creator(s): Van Buskirk, Lawrence, 1775-1797 (Author) | Kunze, John C (John Christopher), 1744-1807 (Contributor)
Publication: New York: Printed and sold, by T. Kirk, 112, Chatham-Street, 1797.
Editions: 1x 1797 (New York)
Editions Note: One edition. Kunze contributed the preface.
Statement of a case concerning the establishment of a Professorship of divinity in the German Lutheran church in the state of New York : with illustrations : in a letter to the Lutheran clergy in the state of New-York.
Creator(s): Kunze, John C 1744-1807 (John Christopher) (Author)
Publication: New York: Printed by T. & J. Swords, 1805.
Subjects: Lutheran theological seminaries. | Named Corp: Hartwick Seminary (Brooklyn, N.Y.)
Editions: 1x 1805 (New York)
A table of a new construction for calculating the great eclipse expected to happen on the 16th of June, 1806 : by John C. Kunze, D. & P. of Divinity, senior of the Lutheran clergy in the state of New-York, and member of the Philosophical Society of Philadelphia.
Creator(s): Kunze, John C (John Christopher), 1744-1807 (Author)
Publication: New York: Printed by T. & J. Swords, no. 160 Pearl-Street, 1806.
Subjects: Bible -- Chronology. | Eclipses. | Astronomy -- Tables.
References: Shaw-Shoemaker 10687
APS Subjects: Astronomy | Science
Editions: 1x 1806 (New York)
Editions Note: One edition. Dedicated to the president (then Thomas Jefferson) and members of the Philosophical Society of Philadelphia.
True statement of Behrens's case : to our German countrymen.
Creator(s): Kunze, John C 1744-1807 (John Christopher) (Author)
Publication: [New York: s.n.], 1804.
Subjects: Decedents' estates -- New York (State) -- New York. | Elections -- New York (State) | Decedents' estates. | Elections. | Politics and government. | Behrens, Albrecht, -1797 -- Estate. | Behrens, Albrecht, -1797. | Burr, Aaron, 1756-1836. | Time: 1775-1865 | New York (State) | New York (State) -- New York.
References: Shaw & Shoemaker | 6607
Editions: 1x 1804 ([New York)
Von den Absichten und dem bisherigen Fortgang der privilegirten deutschen Gesellschaft zu Philadelphia in Pennsylvanien : in einer vor der Gesellschaft gehaltenen Rede von Johann Christoph Kunze, Professor der orientalischen und der deutschen Sprachen auf der Universität zu Philadelphia und Mitglied der gedachten Gesellschaft.
Creator(s): Kunze, John C (John Christopher), 1744-1807 (Author)
Publication: Philadelphia: Gedruckt bei Melchior Steiner, in der Rees-Strasse, nahe bei der Dritten Strasse, 1782.
Subjects: Pennsylvania Dutch. | Germans -- Pennsylvania. | Charities.
APS Subjects: Benevolence Societies
Editions: 1x 1782 (Philadelphia)