William Brown (387)

Election date: 1780

William Brown (1748–11 January 1792) was a physician, and a member of the American Philosophical Society, elected in 1780. Raised in Maryland, Brown returned to his place of birth, Scotland, to study medicine at the University of Edinburgh, earning his M.D. in 1770. Returning to Alexandria, Virginia, Brown quickly established himself by opening a medical practice and starting a family. His skill attracted the attention of APS member William Shippen, Jr. who recruited him in 1775 to join the Second Virginia Regiment as a surgeon. He spent a few months at the Flying Camp field hospital before landing at the military hospital at Bethlehem. In 1777 Congress elected Brown Surgeon General. He spent a dismal winter with General George Washington in Valley Forge. His services were well used for the remainder of the war and, in recognition, he replaced APS Member Benjamin Rush as Physician General in 1788. Brown relocated to a new general hospital at Lititz, in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania where he made a number of changes to improve the facilities and capacities at the hospital, including sanitation improvements and assessing the supply of affordable medications for future wartimes. His list of medications became his Pharmacopeia simpliciorum et effecaciorum in usum nocosomii militaris, and was the first of its kind printed in the United States. In 1779, he gave a series of lectures on anatomy for army surgeons in the region, as per the request of General George Washington. Brown resigned not long after that to resume his practice back in Virginia and died years later of unknown causes. (ANB) 

Member(s): William Brown
Pharmacopoeia simpliciorum et efficaciorum, in usum nosocomii militaris, ad exercitum foederatarum Americae civitatum pertinentis; hodiernae nostrae inopiae rerumque angustiis, feroci hostium saevitiae, belloque crudeli ex inopinato patriae nostrae illato debitis, maxime accommodata.
Brown, William, 1748-1792 (Author)
Philadelphiae [Philadelphia]: Ex officina Styner & Cist, [1778]
Pharmacy, Military. | Pharmacopoeias. | Medicine -- Formulae, receipts, prescriptions.
Record Source:
Evans 15750 | Evans 17108
APS Subjects:
1x 1778 (Philadelphiae [Philadelphia]), 1x 1781 (Philadelphiae [Philadelphia])
Editions Note:

Two editions, both in Philadelphia: one in 1778 and one in 1791. According to Hildeburn, "This was the first Pharmacopoeia published in the United States."

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): William Brown
Specimen inaugurale pathologicum, de viribus atmosphæræ sentienti obviis. Quod, Annuente Summo Numine, Ex Auctoritate Reverendi admodum Viri, Gulielmi Robertson, S. S. T P. Academiae Edinburgenae Praefecti, nec non Amplissimi Senatus Academici consensu, Et nobilissimae Facultatis Medicae Decreto, Pro gradu doctoris, Summisque in Medicina Honoribus Et Privilegiis Rite Et Legitime Consequendis; Eruditorum examini subjicit Gulielmus Brown, Americanus.
Brown, William, 1748-1792 (Author)
Edinburgi [Edinburgh]: apud Balfour, Auld, et Smellie, Academiae Typographos, [1770]
Air -- Early works to 1800.
Record Source:
APS Subjects:
1x 1770 (Edinburgi [Edinburgh])
Editions Note:

One edition.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.