Guillaume T. F. Raynall (360)

Election date: 1775

Guillaume Thomas François Raynal (12 April 1713–6 March 1796) was a writer, and a member of the American Philosophical Society, elected in 1775. Born in Saint-Geniez, France, Raynal began his studies at the Jesuit school of Pézanas, receiving holy orders and working in the parish of Saint-Sulpice in Paris before being mysteriously dismissed. From then on, he dedicated himself to writing and historical studies: composing histories of the Netherlands (1747), and then English Parliament (1748), and editing Mercure de France (1750-1754), a government-backed periodical. He quickly earned a spot in the Parisian salons. His popularity seemed to only increase upon the publication of his collaboration with Denis Diderot, Histoire de deux Indes (1770), which condemned colonial European treatment of the indigenous people in India and the Americas, citing religious bigotry and abuse of power as sources of unjust violence. The Histoire was published in many editions and translations despite landing a spot on Catholic Church’s Index of Forbidden Books in 1774. Raynal was driven into exile, being welcomed by the likes of Frederick the Great and Catherine the Great as he ventured through Europe. Finally, in 1787, he returned to France, where Marseilles had elected him to the Estates-General. Raynal refused the appointment because of the violence of the French Revolution, and prepared a tone-deaf message for the National Assembly renouncing the carnage and supporting a constitutional monarchy in 1791. Unsurprisingly, the National Assembly retaliated and seized his estate. Still, he regained some of his reputation a few years later, joining the Institute of France in 1795. Unfortunately, however, he died one year later. (EB)

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Adresse de Guillaume-Thomas Raynal, remise par lui-même à M. le président, le 31 mai 1791, et lue à l'assemblée le même jour.
Raynal, Guillaume-Thomas (1713-1796) (Author)
Paris: chez Gattey, libraire, au Palais-Royal, n° 13 et 14, 1791.
Recueil de l'abbé Grégoire -- affaires ecclésiastiques -- (1791) 
Record Source:
Sabin 68072
2x 1791 (Paris, Dublin)
Editions Note:

Two editions in 1791: one in Paris and one in Dublin.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Anecdotes historiques, militaires et politiques de l'Europe.
Raynal, abbé (Guillaume-Thomas-François), 1713-1796 (Author)
Amsterdam, 1752[-1753.]
Record Source:
1x 1752-53 (Amsterdam), 1x 1754 (Amsterdam)
Editions Note:

Two editions. Initial imprint was of two volumes in one, likely produced in the winter of 1752-53.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Anecdotes littéraires : ou, Histoire de ce que est arrivé le plus singulier & de plus intéressant aux écrivains françois, depuis le renouvellement des lettres sous François I, jusqu' à nos jours.
Raynal, abbé (Guillaume-Thomas-François), 1713-1796 (Author)
Paris: Durand, 1750.
Literature -- Anecdotes. | Authors, French.
Record Source:
1x 1750 (Paris), 1x 1752 (Paris), 1x 1754 (Amsterdam), 1x 1756 (Amsterdam), 1x 1756 (La Haye [The Hague]), 1x 1762 (Leipzig), 1x 1766 (La Haye [The Hague])
Editions Note:

Seven editions: one in 1750 (Paris), one in 1752 (Paris), one in 1754 (Amsterdam), two in 1756 (Amsterdam, La Haye [The Hague]), one in 1762 (Leipzig), and one in 1766 (La Haye [The Hague]).
Per Princeton: "Written by Raynal, cf. Barbier, Dict. des ouvragaes anonymes, 3. éd.; Brit. Mus. Catalogue."

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Arrest de la cour de Parlement, qui condamne un imprimé, en dix vol. in 8o, ayant pour titre : Histoire philosophique & politique des etablissemens & du commerce des Européens dans les deux Indes, par Guillaume-Thomas Raynal, à être lacéré & brûle par l'Exécuteur de la Haut-Justice, du 25 mai 1781.
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Author) | France. Parlement (Paris) (Corporate Creator)
[Paris]: [P.G. Simon], 1781.
Record Source:
Sabin 68074
1x 1781 (Paris), 1x 1782 (Paris)
Editions Note:

Two editions, both in Paris: one in 1781 and one in 1782.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Atlas de toutes les parties connues du globe terrestre, dresse pour l'Histoire philosophique & politique des etablissemens & du commerce des europeens dans les deux Indes.
Bonne, Rigobert, 1727-1794 (Author) | Raynal, abbé (Guillaume-Thomas-François), 1713-1796 (Contributor)
[Geneve, J. L. Pellet], 1780.
Atlases -- Early works to 1800. | America -- Maps.
Record Source:
Sabin 68081
1x 1780 (Geneve [Geneva]), 1x 1783 (Geneva)
Editions Note:

Probably two editions, and probably both in Geneva (some catalogs guess Paris, including Sabin).

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Briefe über Portugal, nebst einem Anhang über Brasilien : aus dem Französischen.
Stephens, Philadelphia Sprengel, M C 1746-1803, (Matthias Christian) (Translator and Editor) | Jansen, Hendrik, 1741-1812 (Contributor) | Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Author)
Leipzig: In der Weygandschen Buchhandlung, 1782.
Record Source:
1x 1782 (Leipzig)
Editions Note:

One extant edition, although catalogs note that "The letters were originally published in English under title: Letters on Portugal on the Present and former state of that Kingdom, London 1777. This edition is from the French translation by H. Jansen, published in Paris, 1780--cf. pref./ "Anhang," p. [119]-290, has title: Neueste Nachrichten über Brasilien, aus des Abbé Raynal verbesserten Ausgabe der Geschichte der Europäer in beiden Indien übersetzt."

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Considérations sur la paix de 1783 : Envoyées par l'abbé Raynal au prince Frédéric-Henri de Prusse. Qui lui avoit demandé ce qu'il pensoit de cette paix.
Raynal, abbé Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Author)
Berlin, 1783.
Record Source:
1x 1783 (Berlin)
Editions Note:

One edition. B. Franklin mentioned: p.14.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Coup d'oeil sur les quatre concours qui ont eu lieu en l'Académie des sciences, belles-lettres & arts de Lyon, pour le prix offert par M. l'abbé Raynal, sur la découverte de l'Amérique.
Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Lyon (Corporate Author) | Jacquet, Louis, 1732-1794 (Contributor) | Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Contributor)
Lyons: [Imprimerie de J.M. Bruyset fils ainé] Aux frais de l'Académie, 1791.
Record Source:
Sabin 68076
1x 1791 (Lyons)
Editions Note:

One edition, although Sabin dates this as 1790, indicating there might be two.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Determinatio Sacrae Facultatis Parisiensis in librum cui titulus : Histoire philosophique et politique des établissemens des Européens dans les deux Indes.
Université de Paris. Faculté de théologie (Corporate Author) | Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Author)
Parisiis: Ex typis Clousier, 1781.
Record Source:
Sabin 68075
1x 1781 (Parisiis [Paris])
Editions Note:

One edition. This is the condemnation of Raynal's Histoire philosophique.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Ecole militaire : ouvrage composé par ordre du gouvernement.
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Author)
Paris: Durand, 1762.
Military art and science. | Gewapende conflicten. | Krijgskunde.
Record Source:
1x 1762 (Paris)
Editions Note:

One edition.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Esprit de Guillaume-Thomas Raynal, Recueil également nécessaire à ceux qui commandent & à ceux qui obéissent : l'image auguste de la vériré m'a toujours érD'e présente : O vérité sainte! C'est toi seule que j'ai respectée : si mon ouvrage trouve encore quelques lecteurs dans les siecles à venir, je veux qu'en voyant combien j'ai éré dégagé des passions & des préjugés, ils ignorent la contrée où j'ai pris naissance, sous quel gouvernement je vivois, quelles sonctions j'exerçois dans mon pays, quel culte je professois : je veux qu'ils me trouvent tous leur concitoyen, leur ami.
Raynal, abbé, 1713-1796 (Author) | Hédouin, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine, 1749-1802 (Editor)
Londres: [s.n], 1782.
France -- Civilization -- 18th century.
Record Source:
1x 1782 London, 1x 1787 London, 1x 1792 Genève
Editions Note:

Three editions : two in London (1782, 1787), one in Genève in 1792. The imprint is false; probably printed in Paris (Weller). Edited by J. B. A. Hédouin.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Essai sur l'administration de St. Domingue.
Raynal, abbe Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Author)
[Geneva?: s.n.], 1785.
Slavery -- Haiti. | Slaves -- Haiti. | Haiti.
Record Source:
Sabin 68079
1x 1785 (Geneva), 1x 1788 (Leipzig), 1x 1790 (Au Port-au-Prince)
Editions Note:

Three editions. One in 1785 in Geneva, one in 1788 in Leipzig, and one in 1790 in Port-au-Prince.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Extrait de l'Essai sur la peinture, la sculpture et l'architecture de M. de *** [i.e. L.P. de Bachaumont].
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Author)
[Paris]: [s.n.], 1751.
Record Source:
1x 1751 (Paris)
Editions Note:

One edition.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
A Guillaume-Thomas Raynal, sur sa lettre à l'Assemblée nationale.
Boissy d'Anglas, François-Antoine, comte de, 1756-1826 (Author) | Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Author)
Paris: Boucher, 1791.
Record Source:
1x 1791 (Paris)
Editions Note:

One edition.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Histoire du divorce de Henri VIII, roi d'Angleterre, et de Catherine d'Arragon.
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Author)
Amsterdam: [s.n.], 1763.
Divorce -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800. | Divorce. | Kings and rulers. | Catherine, of Aragon, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1485-1536 -- Divorce. | Catherine, of Aragon, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1485-1536 | Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547 | Early works. | Great Britain.
Record Source:
1x 1763 (Amsterdam)
Editions Note:

One edition.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Histoire du parlement D'Angleterre.
Raynal, abbé, 1713-1796 (Author)
Londres [i.e. Paris?]: [s.n.], [1748]
Record Source:
2x 1748 (Londres [i.e. Paris?]), 3x 1749 (2x Londres, 1x London), 2x 1750 (Paris, Geneve), 1x 1751 (Londres [i.e. Paris?]), 1x 1757 (London), 1x 1820 (Paris), 1x 1820 (Erfurt [Germany])
Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Histoire du stadhouderat : depuis son origine jusqu'à présent.
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Author)
Paris: [s.n.], 1747.
Stadholders. | Orange-Nassau, House of. | Netherlands -- History -- 1648-1795. | Netherlands.
Record Source:
1x 1747 (Paris), 1x 1748 (La Haye, Paris), 3x 1749 (London, Amsterdam, Paris), 3x 1750 (La Haye, [Amsterdam?], Paris [Genève]), 1x 1782 (Amsterdam), 1x 1787 (London), 1x 1831 (Bruxelles)
Editions Note:

By the Abbé Raynal.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Histoire philosophique et politique des établissemens & du commerce des européens dans les deux Indes [Texte imprimé]
Raynal, Guillaume-Thomas (1713-1796)  (Author)
Amsterdam: [s.n.], 1770.
Colonies -- Administration -- Histoire Voir les notices liées en tant que sujet. | Colonisation -- Amérique.
Record Source:
Sabin 68080 | Sabin 68081 | Sabin 68082 | Sabin 68083 | Sabin 68084 | Sabin 68085 | Sabin 68086 | Sabin 68087 | Sabin 68088 | Sabin 68089 | Sabin 68090 | Sabin 68091 | Sabin 68092 | Sabin 68093 | Sabin 68094 | Sabin 68095 | Sabin 68096 | Sabin 68097 | Sabin 68098 | Sabin 68110 | Sabin 68113 | Sabin 68115 | Sabin 68116 | Sabin 68077 | Sabin 68078 | Sabin 92197 | Howes R 84
3x 1770 (2x Amsterdam, 1x Genève), 2x 1772 (Amsterdam, La Haye), 1x 1773 (Amsterdam), 3x 1774 (2x La Haye, 1x Maestricht [Netherlands]), 2x 1774-1778 (Hannover, Kopenhagen and Leipzig), 5x 1775 (Philadelphia, Genève, Le Haye, Belfast, Maestricht [Netherlands]), 2x 1775-1792 (Amsterdam), 5x 1776 (London, Edinburgh, Dublin, La Haye, Wilnie [Vilnius, Lithuania]), 1x 1776-1777 ([Siena, Italy?]), 1x 1776-1782 (Amsterdam), 3x 1777 (2x London, Maestricht), 5x 1778 (2x London, 1x Paris, 1x La Haye, 1x Leipzig), 4x 1779 (2x Edinburgh, 1x Dublin, 1x Aberdeen), 1x 1779-1780 (Venezia, si ritrova in Genova [Venice & Genoa]), 7x 1780 (2x Genève, 1x Amsterdam and Leipzig, 2x Rostok [Germany] and Leipzig, 1x Nantes, 1x Paris), 8x 1781 (2x Genève, 3x London [Paris or Holland], 1x Amsterdam, 2x La Haye), 4x 1782 (Edinburgh, Genève, London [Amsterdam?], Amsterdam), 1x 1782–1784 Venezia, 3x 1783 (London, Geneva, Warszawie [Warsaw]), 1x 1783-1784 (Neuchatel and Geneve), 1x 1783-1788 (Kempten [Germany]), 4x 1784 (London, Amsterdam, Dublin, Lausanne [Switzerland]), 1x 1784-1790 (Madrid), 2x 1786 (Edinburgh, London), 2x 1787 (Avignon, London and Paris), 1x 1788 (London), 1x 1791 (Paris), 3x 1792 (Paris, Edinburgh, London), 1x 1793 (Neufchatel), 1x 1794 (London), 1x 1794-1795 (Paris), 2x 1798 (Paris, London), 1x 1799 (Dublin), 1x 1804 (Edinburgh), 1x 1804-1808 (Kiøbenhavn [Copenhagen]), 1x 1806 (Sanktpeterburgie [St. Petersburg]), 1x 1810 (Paris), 1x 1812 (Glasgow), 1x 1820-1821 (Paris), 1x 1821 (Paris), 1x 1823 (Londres), 1x 1825 (Paris), 1x 1826 (Paris)
Editions Note:

At least ninety-two editions. There were three in 1770 (two in Amsterdam, one in Genève), two in 1772 (Amsterdam, La Haye), one in 1773 (Amsterdam), three in 1774 (two in La Haye, one in Maestricht [Netherlands]), two in 1774-1778 (Hannover, Kopenhagen and Leipzig), five in 1775 (Philadelphia, Genève, Le Haye, Belfast, Maestricht [Netherlands]), two in 1775-1792 (Amsterdam), five in 1776 (London, Edinburgh, Dublin, La Haye, Wilnie [Vilnius, Lithuania]), one in 1776-1777 ([Siena, Italy?]), one in 1776-1782 (Amsterdam), three in 1777 (two in London, Maestricht), six in 1778 (two in London, one in Paris, one in La Haye, one in Leipzig), four in 1779 (two in Edinburgh, one in Dublin, one in Aberdeen), one in 1779-1780 (Venezia, si ritrova in Genova [Venice & Genoa]), seven in 1780 (two in Genève, one in Amsterdam and Leipzig, two in Rostok [Germany] and Leipzig, one in Nantes, one in Paris), eight in 1781 (two in Genève, three in London [Paris or Holland], one in Amsterdam, two in La Haye), four in 1782 (Edinburgh, Genève, London [Amsterdam?], Amsterdam), one in 1782–1784 (Venice), three in 1783 (London, Geneva, Warszawie [Warsaw]), one in 1783-1784 (Neuchatel and Geneve), one in 1783-1788 (Kempten [Germany]), four in 1784 (London, Amsterdam, Dublin, Lausanne [Switzerland]), one in 1784-1790 (Madrid), two in 1786 (Edinburgh, London), two in 1787 (Avignon, London and Paris), one in 1788 (London), one in 1791 (Paris), three in 1792 (Paris, Edinburgh, London), one in 1793 (Neufchatel), one in 1794 (London), one in 1794-1795 (Paris), two in 1798 (Paris, London), one in 1799 (Dublin), one in 1804 (Edinburgh), one in 1804-1808 (Kiøbenhavn [Copenhagen]), one in 1806 (Sanktpeterburgie [St. Petersburg]), one in 1810 (Paris), one in 1812 (Glasgow), one in 1820-1821 (Paris), one in 1821 (Paris), one in 1823 (London), one in 1825 (Paris), one in 1826 (Paris).

Holding Note: APS holds one 1775 Philadelphia edition which contains the autograph of Wm. Rogers, one 1776 London, two 1779 Edinburgh editions, one which bears the book stamp of W. Vetch, and one presented by Mrs. Richard Gimbel with the bookplate: Claude Meeker, two editions in 1780 Genève [Geneva] [1, 2], three copies of the 1781 London [Paris], [1, 2, 3, which was presented by William S. Mason], one 1782 London, five 1783 editions: two from London c.1, as well as a second with the autograph of Horace P. Biddle and bookplate of Thomas Irving, one full 10v. set produced in Neuchatel and Geneve, and two copies of volume 10 (1783–84) from Neuchatel and Geneva [1, 2], as well as one Geneva copy of the maps published separately.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
L'abbé Raynal aux États généraux.
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Author) | France. États généraux (Corporate Author)
Marseille: [s.n.], 1789.
Finance, Public -- France -- Early works to 1800. | Taxation -- France -- Early works to 1800. | Clergy -- France -- Early works to 1800. | Clergy. | Economics. | Finance, Public. | Politics and government | Religious aspects of war. | Taxation. | Early works. | History. | Sources. | France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 -- Economic aspects -- Sources. | France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 -- Religious aspects -- Sources. | France.
Record Source:
2x 1789 (Marseille), 1x 1789 (Warsaw), 2x 1789 (Berlin, unknown place of publication)
Editions Note:

Five editions, all in 1789: two in Marseille, one in Warsaw, one in Berlin, and one imprint location unknown. The latter appeared as "Lettre adressée au corps de la bourgeoisie de la ville de Marseille."

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
L'assasinio robersperiano: ossia Le proscrizioni e le confische.
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Author)
Bologna: Tip. ai Celestini, 1799.
Finance. | France.
Record Source:
1x 1799 (Bologna)
Editions Note:

One edition.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
L'assemblée de Sorbonne, ou L'histoire des Etats généraux de l'église, suivie d'une epitre à M. le comte de Barruel-Beauvert.
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Author) | Barruel-Beauvert, Antoine Joseph, comte de, 1756-1817 (Contributor)
Rome: De l'Imprimerie du Vatican, et se vend à Paris, 1789.
Record Source:
1x 1789 (Rome)
Editions Note:

One edition.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Lettre de Guillaume Thomas Raynal à l'Assemblée nationale.
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Author) | France. Assemblée nationale constituante (1789-1791) (Corporate Author)
[Paris: De l'Imprimerie de Fiévée], [1791]
Record Source:
1x 1791 (Paris)
Editions Note:

One edition.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Lettre de M. Guillaume-Thomas Raynal a S.M. Louis XVI.
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Author) | Louis XVI, King of France, 1754-1793 (Recipient)
[France]: [s.n.], 1789.
Monarchy -- France -- Early works to 1800. | Kings and rulers. | Monarchy. | Louis XVI, King of France, 1754-1793. | Early works. | History. | Sources. | France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 -- Sources. | France.
Record Source:
1x 1789 ([France])
Editions Note:

Two editions. Researchers should note that a falsely attributed and often similarly titled pamphlet of the same length appears in catalogs—which is which is difficult to discern without physical viewing.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Lettre philosophique à Monsieur l'Abbé Raynal, dans laquelle on développe son caractère, sa doctrine, & le fonds de ses erreurs.
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Author)
Bruxelles: [s.n.], 1782.
Record Source:
1x 1782 (Bruxelles)
Editions Note:

One edition.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Lettres a M. l'Abbé Raynal sur l'histoire de la Révocation de l'Édit de Nantes : qu'il se propose de publier.
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Author)
[France?]: [s.n.], 1782.
Religion and state -- France. | Church and state -- France. | Church and state. | Religion and state.
Record Source:
1x 1782 ([France?])
Editions Note:

One edition.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Memoires historiques, militaires et politiques de l'Europe, depuis l'élevation de Charles-Quint au throne de l'Empire, jusqu'au traité d'Aix-la-Chapelle en 1748.
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Author)
Amsterdam: Chez Arkslée & Merkus, 1754.
Record Source:
1x 1754 (Amsterdam), 1x 1772 (Amsterdam)
Editions Note:

Two editions, both in Amsterdam: one in 1754 and one in 1772.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Memorial de Paris et de ses environs.
Antonini, Annibale, 1702-1753 (Author) | Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Author)
Paris: Bauche, fils, 1749.
Art -- France -- Paris Suburban Area. | Art. | Buildings. | Politics and government. | France -- Politics and government. | France. | France -- Paris. | France -- Paris Suburban Area.
Record Source:
1x 1749 (Paris)
Editions Note:

One edition. Vol. 1 includes lists of paintings, etc., in various buildings of Paris and suburbs.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Réponse à la censure de la Faculté de théologie de Paris : contre l'Histoire philosophique & politique des établissements & du commerce des Européens dans les deux Indes.
Raynal, abbé, 1713-1796 (Author)
Londres, 1782.
Record Source:
Sabin 68100
1x 1782 (Londres)
Editions Note:

One edition. Per ESTC: The imprint is false; printed on the continent.

Holding Note: APS holds one copy, which is bound with one of the APS holdings of Paine, Thomas. Lettre adressée à l'Abbé Raynal ... 1783. View Holding

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Révolution de l'Amérique : par M. l'abbé Raynal, auteur de l'Histoire philosophique et politique des etablissemens, et du commerce des Européens dans les deux Indes.
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Author)
Londres [i.e. Netherlands?]: Chez Lockyer Davis, Holbourne, 1781.
Record Source:
Sabin 68101 | Sabin 68102 | Sabin 68103 | Sabin 68104 | Sabin 68107 | Sabin 68108 | Sabin 68109 | Sabin 68111 | Evans 17322 | Evans 17323 | Evans 17322 | Evans 17686 | Evans 17684 | Evans 17685 | Evans 17687 | Evans 24728 | Evans 29484 | Howes R 85
17x 1781 (8x Londres [i.e. Netherlands et al?], 2x London, 2x La Haye, 1x Stockholm, 1x Paris, 2x Dublin, 1x Boston), 10x 1782 (2x Philadelphia, London, Edinburgh, Salem, Norwich, Dublin, Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Leipzig, Hudson [NY]), 1x 1783 (Edinburgh), 1x 1786 (Berlin), 1x 1791 (London), 2x 1792 (Edinburgh, Hudson [NY]), 1x 1795 (Philadelphia), 1x 1816 (Stockholm)
Editions Note:

At least thirty-three editions: seventeen in 1781 (eight in Londres [i.e. Netherlands et al?], two in London, two in La Haye, one in Stockholm, one in Paris, two in Dublin, one in Boston), ten in 1782 (two in Philadelphia, one in London, Edinburgh, Salem, Norwich, Dublin, Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Leipzig, Hudson [NY]), one in 1783 (Edinburgh), one in 1786 (Berlin), one in 1791 (London), two in 1792 (Edinburgh, Hudson [NY]), one in 1795 (Philadelphia), and one in 1816 (Stockholm).
Although largely comprised of "the text of Book 18, chapters 38-52, of the third version of the 'Histoire philosophique' [et politique des établissemens et du commerce des Europeens dans les deux Indes], as it appeared in the 1780 Geneva edition," per Echeverria & Wilkie, we separate it here for obvious reasons.

Holding Note: APS holds two of the first editions cataloged together: one presented by William S. Mason and another received as part of the formation of the David Center for the American Revolution February 2020, as well eight additional French-language editions of 1781: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], and one Dublin edition. APS also holds many 1781 English translations: four from London cataloged together one which contains the autograph of T. Manning, bookplate of Benjamin Vaughan, and was presented by the descendants of Benjamin Vaughan through Mrs. George Gibson in 1991, one copy received as part of the bequest of Col. Richard Gimbel, 1971, one presented by William Smith Mason bearing the autograph of Matthew Crowe, and one received as part of the formation of the David Center for the American Revolution February 2020 which bears a bookseller's ticket and shows manuscript waste used in binding, as well as one additional London issue, and finally, one from Dublin, bearing the bookstamp of Joseph A. Sadony and was recieved as part of the formation of the David Center for the American Revolution February 2020. APS holds two 1782 Philadelphia editions: one with the autographs of J. Barniyz and Arch. Mclean, and one with the inscription: Wm. Roger's. In addition, APS holds a 1786 Berlin, and a 1792 Edinburgh.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
The sentiments of a foreigner, on the disputes of Great-Britain with America : translated from the French. [One line from Virgil].
Raynal, abbé, 1713-1796 (Author)
Philadelphia: printed by James Humphreys, junior: in Front-Street, [1775]
United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 -- Foreign public opinion. | Public opinion -- Early works to 1800. | United States -- History -- Foreign public opinion -- Revolution, 1775-1783.
Record Source:
Sabin 68105 | Evans 14417 | Howes R 86
2x 1775 (Philadelphia, Belfast)
Editions Note:

Two editions in 1775: one in Philadelphia and one in Belfast. This is a translation of an extract from the abbé Raynal's 'Histoire philosophique et politique des établissemens et du commerce des Européens dans les deux Indes', 2nd edition, 1773.
It is presented here separately as it points particularly to the moment.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Storia dell' America Settentrionale del signor ab Raynal : continuata fino all' anno presente, nella quale si descrive la guerra civile la Gran Bretagna, e le Colonie Unite ...
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796, (Guillaume-Thomas-François) (Author)
Venezia: Antonio Zatta, [1778]
Record Source:
Sabin 68109 | Sabin 68112 | Howes R 87
1x 1778 (Venezia), 1x 1781 (Amsterdam)
Editions Note:

Two editions: one in Venice in 1778, one in Amsterdam in 1781.

Holding Note: APS holds three copies: one 1778 edition, and two 1781 editions, one with the book labels of A. Bielefeld and Carl Bissinger, and the bookplate of James P. Baxter and another bearing the same labels and plate presented by William S. Mason. View Holding

Member(s): John Dickinson | Member(s): Guillaume T. F. Raynall
Bell's memorial on the free sale of books : to which are added Sentiments on what is freedom, and what is slavery : by a farmer.
Dickinson, John, 1732-1808 (Contributor) | Bell, Robert, 1732?-1784 (Editor) | Raynal, abbé (Guillaume-Thomas-François), 1713-1796. (Contributor)
Philadelphia: Printed and sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street, [1784]
Tariff on books. | Political science. | Liberty. | Booksellers and bookselling -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia.
Record Source:
Sabin 4480 | Evans 18347 | Evans 18352
APS Subjects:
American Revolution | Politics
2x 1784
Editions Note:

Two editions, both published in Philadelphia in 1784. In the second edition, the text is included in a larger work titled, Illuminations for legislators and for sentimentalists; containing, I. Sentiments on what is freedom, and what is slavery : by a farmer…

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.