Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Animalium specierum in classes, ordines, genera, species, methodica dispositio.
Creator(s): Linne, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Lugundi Batavorum [Leiden]: Apud Theodorum Haak, 1759.
Subjects: Animals -- Classification.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1759 (Lugundi Batavorum [Leiden])
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Archiaterns och riddarens af Kongl. Nordstjerne orden Carl Linnæi Berattelse om the inhemska waxter, som i brist af sad kunna anwandas til brodoch matredning : efter Hans Kongl. Maj:ts allernådigste befallning til trycket befordrad af thess Collegio med.
Creator(s): Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Stockholm: Kongl. tryckeriet, 1757.
Subjects: Botany, Economic.
| Botany.
| Sweden.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1757 (Stockholm)
Editions Note: One edition, although published originally in 1755, at least in newsprint but perhaps also pamphlet form. No extant editions of that first pamphlet imprint appear to exist.
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Bibliotheca botanica recensens libros : plus mille de plantis huc usque editos : secundum Systema auctorum naturale in classes, ordines, genera et species dispositos, additis editionis loco, tempore, forma, lingua etc. cum explicatione Fundamentorum botanicorum pars prima.
Creator(s): Linne, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Amstelodami [Amsterdam]: Apud Salomonem Schouten, 1736.
Subjects: Botany -- Bibliography.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1736 (Amstelodami [Amsterdam])
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Classes plantarum seu systemata plantorum.
Creator(s): Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Lugundi Batavorum [Leiden]: apud Conradum Wishoff, 1738.
Subjects: Botany.
| Classification.
| Botany.
| Nomenclature.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1738 (Lugundi Batavorum [Leiden])
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Clavis medicinae duplex exterior & interior.
Creator(s): Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Holmiae [Stockholm]: Salvii, 1766.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1766 (Holmiae [Stockholm]), 1x 1767 (Holmiae [Stockholm])
Editions Note: One edition confirmed, but probably two in Stockholm: one in 1766 and one in 1767.
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Corollarium generum plantarum...
Creator(s): Linne, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Lugundi Batavorum [Leiden]: C. Wishoff, 1737.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1737 (Lugundi Batavorum [Leiden])
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Critica botanica : in qua nomina plantarum generica, specifica, & variantia examini subjiciuntur, selectiora confirmantur, indigna rejiciuntur : simulque doctrina circa denominationem plantarum traditur : seu Fundamentorum botanicorum pars IV.
Creator(s): Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Lugundi Batavorum [Leiden]: apud Conradum Wishoff, 1737.
Subjects: Botany.
| Nomenclature.
| Tobacco.
| Botany.
| Pre-Linnean works.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1737 (Lugundi Batavorum [Leiden])
Editions Note: One edition. "An elaboration of Aphorisms 210-314 of the Fundamenta botanica, 1736"--Soulsby.
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Fauna svecica, sistens animalia Sveciae regni: Qvadrupedia, Aves, Amphibia, Pisces, Insecta, Vermes, distributa per classes & ordines, genera & species : cum differentiis specierum, synonymis autorum, nominibus incolarum, locis habitationum, ...
Creator(s): Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Stockholmiae [Stockholm]: sumtu & literis Laurentii Salvii, 1746.
Subjects: Zoology.
| Sweden.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1746 (Stockholmiae [Stockholm])
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Flora lapponica : exhibens plantas per Lapponiam crescentes : secundum systema sexuale collectas in itinere impensis soc. reg. litter. et scient : sveciae a. MDCCXXXII. Instituto : additis synonymis, & locis natalibus omnium, descriptionibus & figuris radiorum, ...
Creator(s): Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Amstelaedami: Apud Salomonem Schouten, 1737.
Subjects: Botany.
| Lapland.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1737 (Amstelaedami [Amsterdam])
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Flora zeylanica : sistens plantas indicas Zeylonae insulae : quae olim 1670-1677 : lectae fuere a Paulo Hermanno ... demum post 70 annos ab Augusto Gunthero ... orbi redditae ...
Creator(s): Linne, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Holmiae: sumtu & literis L. Salvii, 1747.
Subjects: Botany -- Sri Lanka -- Early works to 1800.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1747 (Holmiae [Stockholm])
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Fundamenta botanica quae majorum operum prodromi instar theoriam scientiae botanices per breves aphorismos tradunt.
Creator(s): Linne, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Amstelodami [Amsterdam]: Apud Salomonem Schouten, 1736.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1736 (Amstelodami [Amsterdam])
Editions Note: One edition. Later variations appeared with editions of the Biblioteca Bontanica (1736).
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Genera plantarum eorumque characteres naturales secundum numerum, figuram, situm, & proportionem omnium fructificationis partium.
Creator(s): Linne, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Lugundi Batavorum [Leiden]: apud C. Wishoff, 1737.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1737 (Lugundi Batavorum [Leiden])
Editions Note: One edition first imprinted in 1737, with many others that followed.
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Hortus Cliffortianus : plantas exhibens quas in hortis tam vivis quam siccis, Hartecampi in Hollandia, coluit ...Georgius Clifford... reductis varietatibus ad species, speciebus ad genera, generibus ad classes, adjectis locis plantarum natalibus differentiisque specierum ...
Creator(s): Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Amstelodami [Amsterdam], 1737.
Subjects: Botany.
| Pictorial works.
| Botany.
| Catalogs.
| Botany.
| Bibliography.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1737 (Amsteldami)
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Hortus upsaliensis : exhibens plantas exoticas, Horto Upsaliensis Academiae sese illatas, ab anno 1742, in annum 1748, additis differentiis, synonymis, habitationibus, hospitiis, rariorumque descriptionibus, in gratiam studiosæ juventutis : vol. 1.
Creator(s): Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Stockholmiae [Stockholm]: sumtu & literis Laurentii Salvii, 1748.
Subjects: Botany.
| Pre-Linnean works.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1748 (Stockholmiae [Stockholm])
Editions Note: One edition. No more published.
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Illustratio systematis sexualis Linnaei : per Iohannem Miller = An illustration of the sexual system of Linnaeus : by Iohn Miller.
Creator(s): Miller, John, 1715-1790? (Author) | Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Contributor)
Publication: Londini [London]: Prostat venalis apud auctorem in Curia Dorsettiana juxta Parliament Street, 1777.
Subjects: Botany -- Pictorial works.
| Botany.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 2x 1777 (Londini)
Editions Note: Two editions. As LCP notes: "Parallel publication statement: London : Published and sold by the author at his house in Dorset Court near Parliament Street, 1777.
Uncolored plates bear dates ranging from 1770 to 1780.
Plates signed: J. Miller inv't del't et sculp't.
Originally issued in parts, beginning in 1770 (cf. ESTC).
Most pages printed on versos only, each page facing a plate."
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Materia medica, liber I : de plantis, digestus secundum genera, loca, nomina, qualitates, vires, differentias, durationes, simplicia, modos, usus, synonyma, culturas, præparata, potentias, composita.
Creator(s): Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Amstelædami [Amsterdam]: Apud J. Wetstenium, 1749.
Subjects: Materia medica.
| Botany, Medical.
| Early works to 1800.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1749 (Amstelædami [Amsterdam])
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Museum Sae Rae Mtis Ludovicae Ulricae reginae Suecorum, Gothorum, Vandalorumque, &c. &c. &c. : in quo animalia rariora, exotica, imprimis insecta & conchilia describuntur & determinantur.
Creator(s): Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Holmiae [Stockholm]: Salvius, 1764.
Subjects: Nature study -- Early works to 1800. | Nature -- Étude et enseignement -- Ouvrages avant 1800. | Nature study.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1764 (Stockholm)
Editions Note: One edition. As in other cases, authorship is somewhat disputed, but we here included this work owing to a preponderance of evidence pointing to his unique authorship.
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Musa Cliffortiana florens Hartecampi : 1736 prope Harlemum.
Creator(s): Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Lugundi Batavorum [Leiden], 1736.
Subjects: Palms.
| Bananas.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1736 (Lugundi Batavorum [Leiden])
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Museum Tessinianum: Hans Excellence, Riks-Rådets &c. Herr Gr. Carl Gust. Tessins Naturalie-Samling.
Creator(s): Tessin, Carl Gustaf, 1695-1770 (Author) | Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Editor)
Publication: Holmiae [Stockholm] : Salvius, 1753.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1753 (Stockholm)
Editions Note: One edition. Linné here describes a rare collection.
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
O̊låndska och Gothlåndska resa : på riksens ho̊gloflige stånders befallning fo̊rråttad åhr 1741 : med anmårkningar uti oeconomien, natural-historien, antiquiteter &c. med åtskillige figurer.
Creator(s): Linne, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Stockholm: Och Upsala : Mos Gottfried Kiesewetter, 1745.
Subjects: Natural history -- Sweden -- Öland. | Natural history -- Sweden -- Gotlands län. | Sciences naturelles -- Suède -- Öland. | Natural history. | Travel. | Öland (Sweden) -- Description and travel. | Gotlands län (Sweden) -- Description and travel. | Öland (Suède) -- Descriptions et voyages. | Sweden -- Gotlands län. | Sweden -- Öland.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1745 (Stockholm), 1x 1764 (Halle [Salle, Germany]), 1x 1765 (Halle [Salle, Germany])
Editions Note: Three editions: one in 1745 in Stockholm and two in Halle (Salle, Germany) in 1764 and 1765.
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Oratio de necessitate peregrinationum intra patriam : Ejusque elenchus animalium per Sueciam observatorum : accedunt Johannis Browallii Examen epicriseos Siegesbeckianae in systema plantarum sexuale.
Creator(s): Linne, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Lugundi Batavorum [Leiden]: apud C. Haak, 1743.
Subjects: Zoology -- Sweden.
| Plant anatomy.
| Plant physiology.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1743 (Lugundi Batavorum [Leiden])
Editions Note: One edition. A publication of the 1741 speech Linnaeus gave to encourage further exploration of the natural world by wandering and exploring.
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Oratio de telluris habitabilis incremento : et Andreae Celsii ... Oratio de mutationibus generalioribus quae in superficie corporum coelestium contingunt.
Creator(s): Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Lugundi Batavorum [Leiden]: apud Cornelium Haak, 1744.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1744 (Leiden)
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Philosophia botanica : in qua explicantur fundamenta botanica cum definitionibus partium, exemplis terminorum, observationibus rariorum, adjectis figuris aeneis.
Creator(s): Linne, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Stockholmiae [Stockholm]: apud Godofr. Kiesewetter, 1751.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1751 (Stockholmiae [Stockholm])
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Skånska resa, på höga öfwerhetens befallning förrättad år 1749 : Med rön och anmärkningar uti oeconomien, naturalier, antiquiteter, seder, lefnads-sätt : Med tilhörige figurer ...
Creator(s): Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Stockholm : Uplagd på Lars Salvii kostnad, 1751.
Subjects: Natural history -- Sweden -- Skåne. | Physicians -- Travel. | Sciences naturelles -- Suède -- Scanie. | Médecins -- Voyages. | Natural history. | Physicians -- Travel. | Travel. | Skåne (Sweden) -- Description and travel. | Suède -- Descriptions et voyages. | Scanie (Suède) -- Descriptions et voyages. | Sweden. | Sweden -- Skåne.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1751 (Stockholm)
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Species plantarum : exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas.
Creator(s): Linne, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Holmiae [Stockholm] : Impensis Laurentii Salvii, 1753.
Subjects: Plants -- Classification. | Botany. | Botanique. | Plants.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1753 (Stockholm)
Editions Note: Many editions, but the APS First Edition dates to 1764 (Vienna).
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Systema naturæ, sive Regna tria naturæ, systematice proposita per classes, ordines, genera, & species ...
Creator(s): Linne, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Lugundi Batavorum [Leiden]: Apud Theodorum Haak, ex typographia Joannis Wilhelmi de Groot, 1735.
Subjects: Natural history -- Classification.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1735 (Leiden)
Editions Note: Many editions, the first (and very rare) of which is listed here. Notably, the 1758–1759 edition (often referred to as the tenth) is probably the most widely cited, which is the APS First Edition listed below. Additional editions took on supplements, the most substantive of which appeared under the title Mantissa Plantarum, and these on occassion, appeared under separate imprint.
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Systema vegetabilivm secvndvm classes, ordines, genera, species cvm characteribvs et differentiis.
Creator(s): Linne, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Gottingae [Göttingen]: typis et impensis J.C. Dieterich, 1774.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1774 (Göttingen), 1x 1784 (Göttingen)
Editions Note: At least two editions, both in Göttingen: one in 1774 and one in 1784.
Member(s): Carolus Linnaeus
Termini botanici, in Usum Juventutis Academicae Edinensis.
Creator(s): Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778 (Author)
Publication: Edinburgi [Edinburgh]: Apud Balfour, Auld, et Smellie, academiae typographos, [1767]
Subjects: Botany -- Terminology -- Early works to 1800.
APS Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Botany | Ornithology | Zoology
Editions: 1x 1767 (Edinburgh), 1x 1770 (Edinburgh), 1x 1778 (Edinburgh), 1x 1779 (Novicastri [Newcastle-Upon-Tyne]), 1x 1779 (Hamburg)
Editions Note: At least five editions: one in 1767 (Edinburgh), one in 1770 (Edinburgh), one in 1778 (Edinburgh), one in 1779 (Novicastri [Newcastle-Upon-Tyne]), and one in 1781 (Hamburg). Published as anonymous but by Carl Linnaeus. A pamphlet prepared by John Hope.