Peter Miller (162)

Election date: 1768 (Elected to the American Society.)

Peter Miller (25 December 1709–25 September 1796) was a clergyman turned mystic brother, and a member of the American Philosophical Society via his 1768 election to the American Society. Born Johann Pieter Müller in Germany to a Reformed Church pastor, Peter’s early study of divinity at Heidelberg was inflected by German pietism, and his impulse toward mysticism only grew with age. After arriving in Philadelphia in summer 1730 he became quickly known to the Presbyterian and Reformed clergy—to the former for his faculties with Latin and theology; to the latter for his mulish resistance of hierarchy. Despite ordination by the Presbyterians that winter, Miller’s encounters with the variety of spiritualisms that peppered early Pennsylvania drew him ever deeper into mystical seeking, and in 1735 he was baptized by Conrad Beissel, founder of a schismatic group of Seventh Day Baptists (Dunkers). The monastic life of the Ephrata Community—saturated by love feasts, visions, mortifications, and 2 a.m. watches (so as to be ready for the return of Christ)—suited him well. Taking the name Brother Jabez, Miller’s learnedness landed him at the head of the Brethren’s printshop where he undertook a number of translation projects. The famed music of Ephrata drew him into correspondence with Benjamin Franklin. With the death of Beissel in 1768, Miller took over the community, but without new converts and an aging population, Ephrata was withering by the eve of the Revolution. They remained unmolested neutrals, owing to the fervor of their principles. The community continued to shrink, and for his last years Miller focused largely on its history. After his death in 1796, the accelerating declension left historical memory the only remnant of life at Ephrata. (PI)

Member(s): Peter Miller
Der blutige Schau-Platz oder Martyrer-Spiegel der Tauffs Gesin̄ten oder Wehrlosen-Christen, die um des Zeugnuss Jesu ihres Seligmachers Willen gelitten haben, und seynd getödtet worden, von Christi Zeit an bis auf das Jahr 1660. Vormals aus unterschiedlichen glaubwürdigen Chronicken, Nachrichten und Zeugnüssen gesam̄let und in holländischer Sprach heraus gegeben von T.J. v. Braght. Nun aber sorgfältigst ins Hochteutsche übersetzt und zum erstenmal ans Licht gebracht.
Miller, Johann Peter, 1710-1796 (Translator)
Ephrata in Pensylvanien: Drucks und Verlags der Brüderschafft, [1748-1749]
Anabaptists. | Martyrs. | Persecution.
Record Source:
Evans 6256 | Shaw-Shoemaker 30982
APS Subjects:
1x 1748-49, 1x 1814
Editions Note:

Two editions: one published c.1748-1749 at the request of the Mennonites near the Ephrata Community, one published in 1814 (Lancaster, PA).

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Peter Miller
Chronicon Ephratense. Enthaltend den Lebens-Lauf des ehrwürdigen Vaters in Christo Friedsam Gottrecht, Weyland Stiffters und Vorstehers des geistl. Ordens der Einsamen in Ephrata in der Graffschaft Lancaster in Pennsylvania. Zusam̄en getragen von Br. Lamech u. Agrippa. [Six lines of Scripture texts]
Lamech, Brother, -1763 (Author) | Miller, Johann Peter, 1710-1796 (Contributor and Editor)
Ephrata [Pa.]: [Druck der Brüderschaft], [1786]
Beissel, Conrad, 1690-1768. | Ephrata Cloister. | Seventh-Day Baptists -- Pennsylvania.
Record Source:
Evans 19558 | Sabin 49044 | Howes G 76
APS Subjects:
History | Religion
1x 1786, 1x 1889
Editions Note:

Two editions: one in 1786, one in 1889. The 1889 edition is an English translation by J. Max Hark, D.D. Sabin attributes it to an (R.) Miller. A running diary of the Brotherhood, which had been kept by Brother Lamech, and continued and edited by Brother Jaebez (Johann Peter Miller).

Holding Note: APS has one copy of the 1786 edition, which contains the autograph of William Feickerd, 1807 and Magilalena Feickern. View Holding

Member(s): Peter Miller
Deliciae Ephratenses, Pars I. Oder Des ehrwürdigen Vatters Friedsam Gottrecht, Weyland Stiffters und Führers des christlichen Ordens der Einsamen in Ephrata, in Pennsylvania, geistliche Reden. [Three lines in Latin from Plato]
Beissel, Conrad, 1690-1768 (Author) | Miller, Johann Peter, 1710-1796 (Translator)
Ephratae [Penn.] : Typis Societatis, [1773]
Record Source:
Evans 12666
APS Subjects:
History | Religion
1x 1773
Editions Note:

One edition.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Peter Miller
A dissertation on mans fall, translated from the High-German original.
Beissel, Conrad, 1690-1768 (Author) | Miller, Johann Peter, 1710-1796 (Translator)
[Ephrata]: Printed: Ephrata [Pa.] anno MDCCLXV. Sold at Philadelphia by Messieurs Christoph Marshal and William Dunlap, [1765]
Fall of man. | Mysticism.
Record Source:
Evans 9911
APS Subjects:
1x 1765
Editions Note:

Originally Mystische Abhandlung über die Schöpfung und von des Menschen Fall und Wiederbringung durch des Weibes Saamen.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Peter Miller
Von der Historia des apostolischen Kampffs, zehen Bücher, wie sie der Abdias anfänglich in hebräischer Sprache beschrieben, Eutropius aber ins griechische, und Julius Africanus ins lateinische übersetzt haben. Welchen dann Wolfgangus Lazius aus alten Scribenten auch beygefüget hat das Leben des Apostels Matthaei, und des heiligen Marci, Clementis, Cipriani und Appolinarus ... Nebst etlichen merckwürdigen Reden Jesu ... Auch der Marter-Geschichte der heiligen und hochberühmten ersten Märtyrin und apostolischen Jungfrau Theclä.
Miller, Johann Peter, 1710-1796 (Translator)
[Ephrata, Pa.]: Vormals in Amsterdam; nun aber in Ephrata gedruckt durch die Brüderschafft, auf Kosten der Brüder in Canegotshiken, 1764.
Apostolic Fathers. | Fathers of the church. | Church history -- Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600.
Record Source:
Evans 9863
APS Subjects:
1x 1764
Editions Note:

One edition.

Holding Note: APS holds one copy, presented to the library by J. L. Hook, April 1955. which is bound with Des Jüngers Nicodemi Evangelium von unsers meisters und heylands Jesu Christi Leyden und auferstehung. (Ephrata, [PA]: 1764.) View Holding

Member(s): Peter Miller
Ein jeder sein eigner Doctor, oder Des armen Land-Manns Artzt. In sich haltend: wie sich jedermann durch schlechte, und leichte Mittel von allen, oder doch von den meisten Kranckheiten, die in diesem Climate gemein sind, curiren kan, und das mit wenigen Kosten, weil die Mittel meistens in diesem Lande wachsen. Zuerst in englischer Sprache geschrieben und zum öfftern gedruckt, nun aber um seiner Vortrefflichkeit willen in das Teustche übersetzt, worden durch P.M.
Tennent, John, 1710-1748 (Author) | Miller, Johann Peter, 1710-1796 (Translator)
Philadelphia: Gedruckt und zu finden bey Benjamin Fräncklin, und Johann Böhm, 1749.
Medicine -- Formulae, receipts, prescriptions. | Medicine, Popular.
Record Source:
Evans 6340
APS Subjects:
1x 1749
Editions Note:

One edition.

Holding Note: APS does not own this text. Help the APS acquire this item.

Member(s): Peter Miller
Paradisisches Wunder-Spiel, welches sich in diesen letzten Zeiten und Tagen in denen abendländischen Welt-Theilen, als ein Vorspiel der neuen Welt hervorgethan: bestehend in einer neuen Sammlung andächticher und zum Lob des grossen Gottes eingerichteter geistlicher, und ehedessen zum Theil publicirter Lieder.
Miller, Johann Peter, 1710-1796 (Compiler and Editor)
Ephratae [Penn.]: Typis & consensu Societatis, [1766]
Mysticism. | Hymns, German.
Record Source:
Evans 10239 | Sabin 58507
APS Subjects:
1x 1766
Editions Note:

One edition.

Holding Note: APS holds one copy, which contains the inscription of Brother Königmacher on recto of first leaf and the bookplate of George Dawson Coleman. View Holding