An account of the settlement of the town of Bristol, in the state of Rhode-Island : and of the Congregational Church therein, with the succession of pastors, from its origin to the present time; together with the act of incorporation of the Catholic Congregational Society and the rules established in said society.
Creator(s): Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795 (Author) | Bourne, Benjamin, 1755-1808 ()
Publication: Providence: Printed by Bennett Wheeler, 1785.
Subjects: Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- Church history. | Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- History.
References: Sabin 8054 | Evans 18942
Editions Note: One edition. The author of this text is contested. Sabin attributes this text to Stiles while Evans attributes it to Benjamin Bourne (1755-1808). For a further account, see Sabin.
An address to the inhabitants of the new settlements, in the northern and western parts of the United States.
Creator(s): Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795 (Contributor)
Publication: [New Haven, CT]: Printed by T. and S. Green, New-Haven, [1793]
Subjects: Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- Church history. | Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- History.
References: Sabin 420 | Evans 25329
At the General Assembly of the governor and company of the English colony of Rhode-Island, and Providence Plantations, in New-England, in America; begun and holden by adjournment, at East-Greenwich, within and for the colony aforesaid, on the last Monday in February, in th year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty-four, and fourth of the reign of His Most Sacred Majesty George the Third, by the grace of God, King of Great-Britain, and so forth : an act for the establishment of a college, or university, within this colony.
Creator(s): Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795 (Author) | Rhode Island and Providence Plantation (Corporate Author)
Publication: Newport [RI]: Printed by Samuel Hall, [1764]
Subjects: Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- Church history. | Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- History.
A Christian minister described, and distinguished from a pleaser of men : in a discourse Galatians I, 10 : at the ordination of the Reverend Abiel Holmes : addressed to the reverend clergy of Connecticut, at their convention in New-Haven, September 15, 1785,--the day following the public commencement : by Levi Hart, A.M. Pastor of a church in Preston.
Creator(s): Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795 (Contributor) | Hart, Levi, 1738-1808 (Author)
Publication: New-Haven, [CT]: Printed by Meigs & Dana, [1787]
Subjects: Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- Church history. | Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- History.
References: Sabin 30631 | Evans 20407 | Evans 19394
APS Subjects: Religion | Sermons
Christianity the wisdom and power of God : a sermon preached November 2, 1791, at the ordination of the Reverend John Elliot, to the pastoral care of the church and society in East-Guilford : by Achilles Mansfield, A.M. pastor of the First Church in Killingworth.
Creator(s): Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795 (Contributor) | Mansfield, Achilles, 1751-1814 (Author)
Publication: [New Haven, CT]: Printed by Thomas and Samuel Green, New-Haven, [1791]
Subjects: Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- Church history. | Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- History.
A discourse on saving knowledge : delivered at the instalment of the Reverend Samuel Hopkins, A.M. into the pastoral charge of the First Congregational Church in Newport, Rhode-Island, Wednesday, April 11, 1770.
Creator(s): Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795 (Author)
Publication: Newport [RI]: Printed and sold by Solomon Southwick, in Queen-Street, [1770]
Subjects: Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- Church history. | Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- History.
References: Sabin 91737 | Evans 11871
A discourse on the Christian union : the substance of which was delivered before the Reverend Convention of the Congregational Clergy in the Colony of Rhode-Island; assembled at Bristol April 23, 1760.
Creator(s): Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795 (Author)
Publication: Boston: N.E: Printed and sold by Edes and Gill, [1761]
Subjects: Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- Church history. | Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- History.
References: Sabin 91738 | Sabin 91739 | Sabin 91740 | Evans 9018 | Evans 9279 | Evans 36368
Editions: 1x 1761 (Boston), 1x 1762 (Newport), 1x 1799 (Brookfield)
Editions Note: Three editions: one from Boston (1761), one from Newport, RI (1762), and one from Brookfield, MA (1799).
The entertaining history of King Philip's War, which began in the month of June, 1675 : as also of expeditions more lately made against the common enemy, and Indian rebels, in the eastern parts of New-England : with some account of the Divine Providence towards Col. Benjamin Church : by Thomas Church, Esq. his son.
Creator(s): Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795 (Contributor) | Church, Benjamin, 1639-1718 (Author) | Church, Thomas, 1674-1746 (Contributor)
Publication: [Newport, RI]: Boston: Printed, 1716. Newport, Rhode-Island: Reprinted and sold by Solomon Southwick, in Queen-Street, 1772.
Subjects: Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- Church history. | Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- History.
References: Sabin 12996 | Sabin 12997 | Evans 1800 | Evans 12352
APS Subjects: History | War
Editions: 1x 1716 (Boston), 1x 1772 (Newport)
Editions Note: This text, first published in Boston (1716, and again in Newport, RI (1772). For the 1772 edition, Ezra Stiles contributed a short piece on the life of Benjamin Church andsome believe he also edited the text.
A funeral sermon, delivered Thursday, July 26, 1787. At the interment of the Reverend Mr. Chauncey Whittelsey, Pastor of the First Church in the city of New-Haven : who died July 24th, 1787 : in the LXXth year of his age, and XXXth of his ministry : by Ezra Stiles, D.D. LL.D. President of Yale-College.
Creator(s): Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795 (Author)
Publication: New-Haven: Printed by T. and S. Green, [1787]
Subjects: Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- Church history. | Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- History.
References: Sabin 91741 | Evans 20729
A history of three of the judges of King Charles I. Major-General Whalley, Major-General Goffe, and Colonel Dixwell : who, at the Restoration, 1660, fled to America; and were secreted and concealed, in Massachusetts and Connecticut, for near thirty years : with an account of Mr. Theophilus Whale, of Narragansett, supposed to have been also one of the judges : by President Stiles.
Creator(s): Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795 (Author)
Publication: Hartford, [CT]: Printed by Elisha Babcock, 1794.
Subjects: Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- Church history. | Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- History.
References: Sabin 91742 | Evans 27743 | Howes S 999
Holding Note: APS owns two copies. One copy bears the autograph of C.D. Meigs, M.D; the other was presented by B. McMahon and contains the autograph of Gotham Fenton.
Laws of the Redwood-Library Company.
Creator(s): Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795 (Contributor) | Redwood Library Company (Corporate Author)
Publication: Newport, [RI]: Printed by Samuel Hall, [1764]
Subjects: Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- Church history. | Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- History.
References: Sabin 68533 | Sabin 54054 | Evans 9764
A narrative of the missions to the new settlements according to the appointment of the General Association of the state of Connecticut : together with an account of the receipts and expenditures of the money contributed by the people of Connecticut, in May, 1793, for the support of the missionaries, according to an act of the General Assembly of the state.
Creator(s): Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795 (Co-author) | Trumbull, Benjamin, 1735-1820 (Co-author) | Bray, Thomas Wells, 1738-1808 (Co-author) | Edwards, Jonathan, 1745-1801 (Co-author) | General Association of Connecticut (Corporate Author)
Publication: New Haven, [CT]: Printed by T. & S. Green, 1794.
Subjects: Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- Church history. | Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- History.
References: Sabin 15789 | Evans 26803
Oratio funebris pro exequiis celebrandis viri perillustris Jonathan Law armigeri, coloniae Connecticutensis gubernatoris consummatissimi; qui obiit Novbris. 6to anno salutis, 1750 : aetatis 77mo. habita in aulâ Collegii Yalensis Novi-Portûs Connecticutensium Nova-Anglorum, Decbris 12mo 1750, coram praeside et academiae sociis quibusdam venerandis, reverendisque vicinarum ecclesiarum pastoribus, celeberrimâque doctorum virorum corona : oratore Ezra Stiles A.M. academiae ejusdem tutore seniori : sic transit gloriae mundi.
Creator(s): Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795 (Author)
Publication: Novi-Londini [New London, CT]: Exudebat atque venebat Timotheus Green, [1751]
Subjects: Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- Church history. | Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- History.
References: Sabin 91743 | Evans 6789
Holding Note: APS owns one copy, presented by J. P. Norris, June 16, 1815.
Contains an autograph inscription, "Mr. Benjamin Franklin Philadelphia."
View Holding
Oratio inauguralis habita in sacello Collegii Yalensis, quod est Novo-Portu Connecticuttensium, in Nov' Anglia, VIII. Id. Quintil. M.DCC.LXXVIII : Quum, autoritate senatus academici, Ezra Stiles, S.S. T.D. praeses academiae ejusdem, et in eadem historiae ecclesiasticae professor; praepositus et constitutus fuit : oratore praeside.
Creator(s): Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795 (Author)
Publication: Hartfordiae [Hartford, CT]: Typis Watsoni et Goodwini, [1778]
Subjects: Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- Church history. | Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- History.
References: Sabin 91744 | Evans 16083
A poem, commemorative of Goffe, Whaley, & Dixwell, three of the judges of Charles I. who, at the Restoration, took refuge and died in America : to which is prefixed, an abstract of their history : by Philagathos.
Creator(s): Philagathos (Author)
Publication: Boston: Printed and sold by Samuel Hall, in Cornhill, [1793]
Subjects: Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- Church history. | Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- History.
References: Sabin 62471 | Evans 25998
APS Subjects: Poetry | History
The resurrection of Jesus Christ considered and proved : and the consequent truth and divinity of the Christian system briefly illustrated : in a discourse, on I Corinthians, XV. 17 : addressed to the Second Congregational Church in the city of Newport, Rhode-Island, at the ordination of the Reverend William Patten to the evangelical ministry, and the pastoral office, over them : May 24, 1786 : by Levi Hart, A.M. Pastor of a church in Preston, Connecticut.
Creator(s): Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795 (Contributor) | Hart, Levi, 1738-1808 (Author)
Publication: Providence: Printed by John Carter, 1786.
Subjects: Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- Church history. | Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- History.
References: Sabin 30637 | Evans 19702
A sermon delivered at the ordination of the Reverend Henry Channing, A.M : to the pastoral charge of the Congregational Church in the city of New-London, May 17, 1787 : by Ezra Stiles, D.D. LL.D. president of Yale College.
Creator(s): Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795 (Author)
Publication: New London [CT]: Printed by T. Green, [1787]
Subjects: Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- Church history. | Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- History.
References: Sabin 91745 | Evans 20730
A sermon, delivered at the ordination of the Reverend Matthew Noyes, A.M : to the pastoral charge of the Church of Christ, in Northford, August 18, 1790 : by Elizur Goodrich, D.D. Pastor of the Church in Durham.
Creator(s): Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795 (Contributor) | Goodrich, Elizur, 1734-1797 (Author)
Publication: New-Haven [CT]: Printed by A. Morse, [1790]
Subjects: Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- Church history. | Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- History.
References: Sabin 27884 | Evans 22538
To the public : there has been a design send the gospel to Guinea.
Creator(s): Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795 (Author) | Hopkins, Samuel, 1721-1803 (Contributor)
Publication: [Newport, RI: Printed by Solomon Southwick], [1776]
Subjects: Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- Church history. | Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- History.
References: Sabin 91748 | Evans 14803
The United States elevated to glory and honor : a sermon, preached before His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull, Esq L.L.D, governor and commander in chief, and the Honorable the General Assembly of the state of Connecticut, convened at Hartford, at the anniversary election, May 8th, 1783 : by Ezra Stiles, D.D. president of Yale-College.
Creator(s): Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795 (Author)
Publication: New-Haven: Printed by Thomas & Samuel Green, [1783]
Subjects: Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- Church history. | Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- History.
References: Sabin 91749 | Sabin 91750 | Evans 18198 | Evans 19261
Editions: 1x 1783 (New Haven), 1x 1785 (Worcester)
Editions Note: Two editions, one published in New Haven (1783) and one in Worcester, MA (1785).
Holding Note: APS owns both editions. The 1783 edition was autographed by William Rogers and Simon Rhodes. This edition also bears the inscription: "Wm. Rogers's - Presented by Mr. Rhodes. A very curious Performance." The 1785 edition was presented by John Vaughan and contains the autograph of B. S. Barton.
The Wonderful narrative : or, A faithful account of the French prophets, their agitations, extasies, and inspirations : to which are added, several other remarkable instances of persons under the influence of the like spirit, in various parts of the world, particularly in New-England : in a letter to a friend. With an appendix, directing to the proper use of such extraordinary appearances in the course of Providence.
Creator(s): Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795 (Author)
Publication: Boston: Printed and sold by Rogers and Fowle, at the head of Queen-Street near the Town-House, 1742.
Subjects: Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- Church history. | Bristol (R.I. : Town) -- History.
APS Subjects: History | Religion
Editions Note: Published in Boston (1742), this text has variously been attributed to Charles Chauncy, Benjamin Colman and Ezra Stiles.